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It says either Mora or Word it is worn Model 101 Nylon I got it with a shaving mug today at a local store for 15 bucks.

The Brass is a NEW Gillette made from 1930- The other is a Fatboy.

I am wanting info about the Brush/
Well it clearly has nylon bristles, but I'm guessing you already knew that, eh? :biggrin:

Honestly, my guess is its just a nylon brush manufactured here in the US at some earlier date by some company. Ever-Ready and Made-Rite were probably two of the more well-known manufacturers, but hardly the only ones out there. Other than that about all I can tell you is that it had to have been manufactured sometime after 1938, as I believe that was the first year nylon was introduced to consumers in the form of nylon bristled toothbrushes.
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Thanks the Mug has a great gold trim on it also.

Anybody else tell me about my Nylon Brush???
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