They were an excellent DE-blade.Sorry, but there are so many variations of Gillette blades out there, I am confused: which type are the ones referred to as "Swedes?" Are they in fact made in Russia? Where can they be purchased?
They were an excellent DE-blade.
Discontinued since a few years.
For me the Gillette Yellows or Bleue Extras comes closest to a match from the blades still being made.
+1 - Although I must admit that I like Gillette Yellows better than Swedes. The Bleue Extras are great too.
In my opinion, there isn't much that comes close to a Swede that I've tried yet. There are plenty of blades out there that are just as sharp or sharper but the Swede also lasts considerably longer than current blades. I tried a Swede recently and got ten, triple pass shaves out of it before throwing it away and I could have probably got another one or two out of it. I find the current blades just go straight from sharp to dull and I get three shaves out of them. The Swede gradually started to lose it's edge after about shave seven. I'm currently using a vintage Gillette Spoiler which I'm four shaves into and it's still very sharp and I've got a Personna 74 to try which will apparently outlast a Swede.
Here is where I get mine. A nice seller from London, great price and fast ship!
Here is where I get mine. A nice seller from London, great price and fast ship!
If you'd rather get just a ten pack with a little quicker shipping, has them. About the same price for a 10 pack if you factor the shipping in. It's the same stock, he just purchased a couple cases from this guy.