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Well [email protected] Blackbird has ruined all other razors for me!...

Hannah's Dad

I Can See Better Than Bigfoot.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
This birb has become my favorite DE.

Shallow, steep, neutral, it just pushes my whiskers skyward and executes them with an ease I can’t duplicate with my other DE (or most of my SE) razors.

All my other DEs are great, but they either require technique, understanding, and common sense or a fresh-ish and sharp blade whereas the stainless Blackbird Open Comb is just “did you remember to put a blade in the razor and mix water with your soap this time?” and delivers the goods.

Intellectually, I’m drawn to “ermagerd: Rigidity!,” but this birb judo flips my stubble into the sink amazingly well.
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