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Vision-Futur-Progress-Mergress Terminology

Short and simple:

All adjustable

1. Vision--high end expensive TTO

2. Futur--less expensive

3. Progress--least expensive but loved

4. Mergress--A Progress with a modified adjustment knob that makes it heavier and more like a Futur? Are these modified Progress razors factory done by Merkur or aftermarket?
4. Mergress--A Progress with a modified adjustment knob that makes it heavier and more like a Futur? Are these modified Progress razors factory done by Merkur or aftermarket?

Most certainly not factory done, the upgrade is performed by a member here called "mer", and is very much an effort to correct Merkur's factory mistakes.
Most certainly not factory done, the upgrade is performed by a member here called "mer", and is very much an effort to correct Merkur's factory mistakes.

And I must say Eric does a great job! A little over a month into using my Mergress and I am still finding out how wonderful this razor is. Great job Eric! :thumbup::thumbup:
I am not sure it improves them, it just standardizes the settings among other Mergress razors. I never saw a big disadvatage to the fact that the settings on my Progress might not match those of someone else's. I just nreed to know what seting on my razor works for me. The Mergresses really do look nice though.
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the less than appealing (IMHO) plastic adjustment knob

That's an understatement. For some reason it makes me think of part of an unspeakable medical aid for elderly people. I can't quite place it. Maybe it's because of some traumatic childhood incident that I had and managed to block from my memory to maintain my sanity, yet the emotional scar remains...

Even if the plastic knob was black instead of that creepy off white it would look a million times better. That Mergress conversion would be worth every penny to me.
I am a big fan of the Mergress. Eric's modifications improve the balance of the razor and make the settings uniform for each razor.

Maybe it's my imagination - but Eric's modification of my first Progress made for a much closer and smoother shave. I liked it so much I ended up getting an XL Progress which has become a Mergress.
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