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vintage shave stick tubes

Anyone know how these work? It looks like the stick gets stuck in the stick lid and comes out as a whole when unscrewed. I was hoping for a push up bottom.
What brand?
Luc's shave stick review here may give you a clue.

I'm looking at vintage Colgate and Williams, nickel plated... not sure what year. It looks like for the ads dated 1912 and 1922, both shave sticks fit in the cap and when you unscrew it it exposes the stick.

Hmmm... I was hoping for something cool/vintage to make shave sticks in. Looks like they are only good for premade sticks.



OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
The ones I have used are just tins. The stick (with most of its foil wrapper intact) just tips out for use. The tube is just for storage.
Try reading through http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showth...ave-stick-container-(Vintage-Shave-Stick-Ads) for pictures and discussion of different vintage styles. I prefer the holder tops myself. Opal made a push-up stick, but the example i have is a non-standard size, narrower than any modern stick. So it will not be easy to refill. But modern Palmolive, Speick, and other narrow sticks work well in the vintage metal Colgate Handy-Grip holders. I also have an Arko stick in a red Williams Holder-Top. The original sticks were smaller, but Arko fits nicely without the extra collar piece.

If you want to craft your own push-up sticks from pucks, take a look at Creating_A_Shave_Stick. I prefer the biscuit-cutter method, and I have about a dozen soaps in recycled Brut deodorant push-up containers.



"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
It depends on the model as they changed over the years. Do you have a picture?
No vintage tubes were "push-ups". You either had a plain tube, with a screw on or push on cap with the stick loose in the tube. Or you had the "Handy Grip" wher the stick mounted on the inside of the cap, so the cap acts as the handle for your stick.
I've found soap making supply stores also have these push up things. I almost ordered 6 at $1.50 but didn't because shipping was almost the same as product.
Brute container is $5 local, I suppose it will last a long time but didn't pull the plug on it either. I did get a sampler for .99 to see if making shave sticks is for me. Worked ok... 10 sec in the micro is too much 7 too little. :confused1 Messy.

I still think the vintage tubes are too cool. Really digging the double cap. Thanks for the link to that. I wish my search skills were up to par.

Grampa's straight, Victorian scupper, and a vintage shave stick... how cool would that be???? Hmmm maybe I need a vintage, restored brush too.
(sigh) does it ever end? :lol: I'm going to have to build that walk in closet for the "collection"


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I've found soap making supply stores also have these push up things. I almost ordered 6 at $1.50 but didn't because shipping was almost the same as product.
Brute container is $5 local, I suppose it will last a long time but didn't pull the plug on it either. I did get a sampler for .99 to see if making shave sticks is for me. Worked ok... 10 sec in the micro is too much 7 too little. :confused1 Messy.

I still think the vintage tubes are too cool. Really digging the double cap. Thanks for the link to that. I wish my search skills were up to par.

Grampa's straight, Victorian scupper, and a vintage shave stick... how cool would that be???? Hmmm maybe I need a vintage, restored brush too.
(sigh) does it ever end? :lol: I'm going to have to build that walk in closet for the "collection"

Be careful when melting soaps in the microwave. Triple milled and Tallow soaps don't melt, they burn.
Seems like that would depend on the soap. Glycerine soap, seems like melting would be the way to go, milled soap, grating. Natural fats, ie lanolin... water bath seems like would work. Soft soaps, I'd go with cookie cutter method.
The Almond Col Conk, worked fine in the micro... I was surprised how short of time it took. I was looking for softened I got runny but it went back together fine and my first shave with a shave stick, homemade or other worked good.

Clay, many of the cheaper sticks don't come in a tube at all -- Palmolive being one, Wilkinson Sword and Arko being others. When traveling most of us find that the stick needs a protective container or it will be wrecked in our suitcases (a plastic sandwich bag not being enough protection).
to protect your shaving sticks, put them in an rx bottle. i get mine at the pharmacy by asking for an empty one "the same size as a roll of quarters". i posted pic somewhere in here recently.
Batman... didn't get them. I found a store that had Brute push up deodorant for $2 so that's a bit cheaper than the others shipped.
LouSee... good idea. If I start traveling with them I'll give that a go, right now they are in the box still, so far no drama. I'd kinda like a container that would hold the soap too. Mash, mill or melt into a Brute tube I guess or be lazy and use it as shipped. All valid options. ;)

dollar general has the brut deo sticks for, wait for it.... a dollar. some funny tropical scent. i need to find the one i bought for this and try it out...
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