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Vintage OS gift- WOW!

As I posted on a separate thread recently, I have been very lucky to meet some top notch folks on this forum. I have tried to be generous with my fellow members, and in turn, I have reaped the benefits of the generous spirit cultivated by the members here at B&B. I wanted to share my most recent example. I was contacted by a forum member I recently befriended about a puck of vintage OS soap he had which his skin unfortunately did not like. I was thrilled because I have never had the opportunity to try vintage OS soap. I offered a trade of a sample of any and everything from my shave den for the OS soap as I had a number of items he had never tried. We had worked out a trade, though I knew it was falling in my favor.

I didn't realize how much it was falling in my favor until the soap arrived yesterday- IN THE ORIGINAL MUG AND BOX. The mug is in mint condition and is one of the OS mugs I don't own. NeverOne99, Jeremy, THANKS A MILLION. You, and people like you, make B&B a truly special place.

It lathers like crazy and gave an excellent shave this am. Thanks again, Jeremy!


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Nice! It looks new enough to still have some scent.

B&B is certainly a special place!
Wow. Congratulations.

I found a place that was doing an Old Spice soap knock-off on eBay. My first impressions were that it lathered pretty nicely, but I think it turned out to be "superlather" with residual Poraso in the brush. I ultrasonically cleaned the brush, and now - it doesn't lather at all like it did.

Never seen lather quite like that. Looks more like whipped cream. Excellent!

So, why did they kill such a good product? It seems like it would sell well today.
I know where an Old Spice mug like that is, with a partial puck and plastic cover. No box though. Thought about buying it, but I've gotten carried away in the last few months on flea market buys.
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