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Leaching of arsenopyrite gold ores via bio-oxidation, typically via Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, has an important advantage with respect to tailings (waste) storage, in that the oxidation reaction results in the iron species being converted to trivalent ferric ions (Fe 3+), subsequently forming an extremely stable ferric arsenate precipitate.

Next word: lixiviant


Here I am, 1st again.
A lixiviant is a liquid medium used in hydrometallurgy to selectively extract the desired metal from the ore or mineral.[1] It assists in rapid and complete leaching. The metal can be recovered from it in a concentrated form after leaching.

Lixiviants may work by altering the redox state of an ore, or by altering the pH. Acidic lixiviants, such as sulfuric acid, are commonly used to leach base metals such as copper,[2] whereas basic lixiviants such as a solution of sodium cyanide are used to leach precious metals.[2]

In the United States, lixiviants which contact the environment are almost always oxidizers of neutral pH because this minimizes risk to the environment.[3]

The origin is the word lixiviate, meaning to leach, to dissolve out, deriving from the Latin lixivium.[4]

Next word: Sylph


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
We will sacrifice the evanescent sylph at the next summer solstice.


Here I am, 1st again.
My thinking is poor this spring. I must have a case of

I can't find that woman. She must be invisible.

Next word: lemur
The comminution of the femur as a result of the skiing accident meant that the lady would never walk again.

Next Word: Dynamometer


Here I am, 1st again.
Here is a hydraulic dynamometer.


Next word: billet-doux
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