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Unusual - Fatboy Slim project

I've used both Fatboy and Slim Adjustables. Both are iconic and terrific razors. Of the safety-bar razors, the SLIM is my favourite. Why not the FB? Though I love it's short chunky (relative to the SLIM) handle, for me the head profile is prouder than I like. I much prefer the multi-piece razors and Slim's lower profile.

Having pulled apart the 'junker' SLIM razors I own and knowing they are not too dissimilar to a FB 'innards', I would like to see if I can create an adustable with the low profile of the SLIM and shorter chunky handle of the FatBoy.

Does anyone have a 'junker' FatBoy that they are prepared to donate (pif) for this project? If it gets underway, I'll post back here on the necessary stages. :thumbup1: Thanks for reading.
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Hope someone comes up with a Fatboy to donate. I'm real curious as to how this would turn out.

BTW, I only have one Fatboy and it is far from junker status.
awesome idea. Try and get one thats screwed on at the bottom, rather than stamped in - just to make it easy on you
Great idea! I wish I had one, I'd send it to you.

Someone out there has to have a parts Fatboy to send?!

I'm sure Bushranger will post pictures, and I volunteer to do a video.
Ditto for mine, it's still in its case with the instructions and origional blue blades. I've only used it once, but didn't like it. I'd trade it in a heartbeat for a slim adjustable.
thanks for the printed interest guys :thumbup1: I've had no luck yet. The closest so far is the potential swap of Bogframe's FatBoy with one of my very nice (spare) SLIMs. (always backup your favourite type). Hopefully something will become available. Cheers
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You know Brushranger I just might have one out in the shop. Seem like I have one that has a bad gouge out of the top that would be perfect for this project. We are in the middle of a pretty bad ice storm right now but if I can get out to my shop tomorrow and find it I will let you know. If so will be glad to send it to you.
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DanO, you are a star. Thank you. The weather here could not be more different. Hot, over 80% humidity, and wanting to storm. Stay safe with all that ice about.
Managed to get out back to my shop to look for the razor a little while ago. Yesterday's ice storm is today's snow storm. The one with the gouge in the top was a slim but I did find a fatboy (E1) that I was going to clean up and use as just a shaver or PIF to a friend. Have included pictures below. Its a little rough with some rust and plate loss but should be a good candidate for this project. I would be interested in the other side of the equation. Wouldn't mind having a fatboy head on the slim handle. Just a though. Got you PM with your address and will get it out in the mail Monday or Tuesday. Enjoy the heat.
Letting everyone know that Dan's FatBoySlim Project donation arrived this week. I've had a bit of a play, and it appears it can be done. More to follow.....
It appears there is an easy way, and secondly, a more complex, involved way, that may not succeed due to longer notched inner pole of the Slim. I will include pics in the thread, but they are low quality due to phone-camera. I think it is possible to do it the other way around with the simpler method.

SLIM Adjustable in pieces:

SLIM, SLIM Inner-mechanism, FatBoy - Note Slim Inner-mechanism longer than FB

FB profile – Left = FB Silo door, Right = SLIM Silo door ~ Adjustment Setting = 9 ~ Note difference in blade gap

Below is the opposing picture – Note in above and below pictures lower profile given by SLIM Silo door. ~ Adjustment Setting = 1

FatBoySlim – Slim Silo door setting 9 blade gap

FatBoy – setting 9 blade gap – Note pictures, blade gap smaller with Slim Silo door

FatBoy – setting 1 blade gap

FatBoySlim – Slim Silo door setting 1 blade gap

I had not considered modifying the FatBoy this way. It is so far the easiest of the considered approaches.

Modifying the FatBoy (or Slim) by changing over the silo doors will;
1. Give the FatBoy a milder range with SLIM silo doors due to shorter 'legs'
2. Give the FatBoy a lower profile - note center-bar is proud with SLIM Silo doors.
3. The center-bar remains proud - could be filed down which would leave brassing on top edge of center-bar.

The other approach would be disassembling the FatBoy similar to the SLIM and exchanging the entire center-shaft silo mechanism of the SLIM. Which you can see is longer than the FatBoy, and I suspect notched differently for the TTO and adjustment mechanisms.
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