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Uk shaving soap sellers?

Hello all,

I've stumbled upon this forum, which is great, but definitely biased to resource/products available in North America (I'm not complaining- honest!).

My question to all is:

Can someone point me to a decent UK based retailer for shaving soap?

Thanks, Pete.
Or any of the direct online sites for DR Harris, Truefitt amd hill, Geo Trumper, and a lot more since you UK'ers hog all the good stuff :lol:
Manmachine www.manmachine.co/

NKDman www.nkdman.co.uk/

As the others say, connaughts is very, very good, as are shavingIE. Also I've found E-bay and the BST here is a good way of sorting out some good soaps etc. Also when ordering donr be afraid to ask for free soap, cream, scet samples. SO do and some dont.
Hello Pete, Executive shaving in Glasgow is another one, executive-shaving.co.uk, but as others already pointed out you're a lucky guy who has all the stores in Jermyn St area.
Hello Gents,

Thank you for all the feedback - I'l' have to spend a little time now trawling through and deciding what to buy!

Regards, James
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