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Two Changes and a Terrible shave!

Hi Guys,

This morning was easily the worst shave I've ever had (oh apart from the time I purchased an electric razor...). Unfortunately I changed two things so I'll have to back track and change one at a time. Sadly that wont be a for a couple of days so my face can recover:scared:

Yesterday I received some new Gillette 7 O'Clock greens and was looking forward to using them today. I have used them in the past with great success and I definitely preferred them over feathers, Astra's and Derby's. I have recently been using Silver Blue's and wanted a change this morning. Unfortunately yesterday I also read about face lathering, hence the second change! I know I know, I should have done one at a time, I've certainly learned to be patient now! So I face lathered this morning, and I've gotta say, I thought it felt the smoothest lather I've had. I was using GFT Sandalwood and the slickness seemed to hang around well after each pass.

Low and behold by the end of my shave, my face was red raw and now, 11 hours after my shave I'm still feeling it.. And seeing it :ohmy:

I'm thinking it was a blade issue, and not face lathering because I did notice that the dobs of glue used to hold the protective wrapping in place had oozed over the edge of the blade. I thought it'd be OK, but now I am regretting not throwing the 29 cent blade and grabbing a new one!

What are you're thoughts, continue to face lather?? But test with a different blade? I think that's what I'll be doing....
Seems like your strategy moving forward is sound. My impression is that using the same product, for the time being, would be key if you want to continue experimenting with face lathering. I am sorry to hear about the red and raw face!
Hi Nick,

First off the spots are not glue but usually wax. Concerning the irritation most definitely give your face a good break, if you can a couple days to let the healing begin. If you have access to some cortisone cream apply it all over the face this should help alleviate the tenderness. A good moisturizer will also help as will some ice. Sadly 11hrs post-shave all of these will have considerably less effect but the moisturizer/ASB will certainly still have a part in the healing. Please note that the ASB will not actually cause healing of any kind but will make sure that it is not further irritated to begin with thus allowing for more efficient healing. Think of a wound, keeping it clean won't cause it to heal in of itself, instead an aspect of the immune system will take care of that but a clean would will allow for quicker healing indirectly.

Good luck with the irritation.

Learn and move on from this. One of the cardinal rules of learning to properly wet-shave is : Change only one variable at a time. Enjoy your shaves! :badger:
Change only one variable at a time.

Yep fatal mistake, making multiple changes! My face has turned up pretty well today, thanks you Witch Hazel and GFT skin food! Should be good to go tomorrow, might try a face lather with a Red IP blade tomorrow... I've been loving those blades lately too!
Thanks for the responses guys! Funnily enough I dont seem to have any ingrowns... which is nice, it was just red raw.... Seems much better today!

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