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Tweezerman Knot Size

I was curious if anyone knew the knot size of the Tweezerman Badger Brush.

The reason I want to know is i've sent Bernd at Shavemac a custom request for a 23mm D01 because I want a larger knot but i'm concerned it might be a bit of overkill because I don't actually know what size the Tweezerman knot is. I own no other brushes so I have no relative comparison. I tried to measure the knot at the handle opening (which is not exact) and it seems to be about 20-21mm but I know that's not the actual knot size (it can only be measured out of the handle).

Thanks in advance.
I believe it is around 19mm. But beware a higher quality brush will not only most likely have a bigger knot but will also probably be much denser. That is what I found with my Simpson's Commodore. I need much more product to make up for all of the extra soft bristles.

I was curious if anyone knew the knot size of the Tweezerman Badger Brush.

The reason I want to know is i've sent Bernd at Shavemac a custom request for a 23mm D01 because I want a larger knot but i'm concerned it might be a bit of overkill because I don't actually know what size the Tweezerman knot is. I own no other brushes so I have no relative comparison. I tried to measure the knot at the handle opening (which is not exact) and it seems to be about 20-21mm but I know that's not the actual knot size (it can only be measured out of the handle).

Thanks in advance.
So 23mm won't be a huge jump upward then.

Yes I understand the necessity for more product use with a larger and more dense brush, but if it helps my lathering troubles (due to significantly hard water), it will be well worth it.
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