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Truefitt Hill..Edwin Jagger razors..they same head?

do the T/H and EJ razors have the same head design? they both look like Muhle heads. Are they?

In particular i really like the T/H Carlton..thats one nice looking razor http://www.truefittandhill.com/detail_00268__18.html. Speaking of the Carlton some have the metal tip on the end the others have that flattened out tip and the overall shape is a little different. have they changed the handles? http://www.onthefly.com/product/truefitt-hill/truefitt-hill-carlton-safety-razor/24691

One more, the Rooney looks the same to. http://www.vintagebladesllc.com/vshop/xcart/product.php?productid=848&cat=129&page=1
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The T&H looks just like an EJ head to me. To my understanding the Muhle heads and the new EJ heads are one in the same. Call them what you will, EJ or Muhle, etc., they are all the same (except maybe different plating). I'm not sure about the Rooneys using Parker heads though.
The T&H looks just like an EJ head to me. To my understanding the Muhle heads and the new EJ heads are one in the same. Call them what you will, EJ or Muhle, etc., they are all the same (except maybe different plating). I'm not sure about the Rooneys using Parker heads though.

My thoughts also.
I thought I read on here that Muhle changed the design of their head so as to distinguish it from the Parker head. I think it was amongst the discussion regarding the older and newer designs of the Muhle head.
I am interested to know, I really like the look. I thought I read it was a parker head but I can't find the link again.

If it is the new Muhle head then I think might be a winner?
... the best info I have been able to find is that the head is made in India for Rooney and re-plated in Sheffield.

What that means, I dont really know?
... the best info I have been able to find is that the head is made in India for Rooney and re-plated in Sheffield.

What that means, I dont really know?

i emailed Jim @vintageblades and he confirmed that the Rooney head was made by Parker.
was just thinking that if the Truefitt brushes are made by Rooney and the Rooney DE has a Parker head, its prb a safe bet that the Truefitt would have a Parker head to.
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