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truefitt & hill 1805 cream

Hey guys, I got a sample of truefitt & hill 1805 from classic shaving in their sample jar. It is amber in color & very dense. I got a sample from truefitt & hill & it is white & not dense. When I say the classic is dense, it almost as dense as castle Forbes. Could someone who has a open tub of 1805 pm me & send me a photo? Thank in advance. Grayson.
I have a tubif it and it is dense, with the appearance that it has dried out but apparently, that's how it comes. I checked a few in the store and they were the same consistency. I love the smell of this cream but it seems to dry up very quickly on me during passes. Always need to add wated to it.
Hmmm. Just got a tub and checked another tub at Aiden Gill in New Orleans, and the cream was whitish, iirc. I'll check it when I get home.
Had a tub of 1805 for over a year in my rotation and it's not pure white, nor never was, and it's not dried out at all. Looks kinda' light amberish and still smells great. Very good cream, on par with my D.R. Harris creams.
Hey guys, iam more cunfused now than I was before. Classic sent me several samples of creams & the rest are correct. I don't think they made a mistake on the1805, but what I got from them is entirely different from truefitt& hill .they are two different animals. Is it possible that t&h has reformulated? Again the one from classic is amber & hard. The t&h is white & not hard. The scents are maybe close. I would just like to be sure what iam purchasing since these aren't cheap. Don't mean to be a pia on this but its got me stumped. Thanks for the help. Grayson.

Yeah. Not as white as I thought. Consistency of AOS creams.
I received mine 2-3 weeks ago. It's creamy, not dry at all, looks fresh, and the colour is very lightly yellow-ish tinted.

Some creams stay longer on the shelf, change their colours, and dry out. My D.R. Harris Rose, which I bought in the summer, arrived quite dense, dry, and darker coloured. It's not a problem though, the performance is not affected. When I use it, I have to scrape out some using a spoon or something else, and need to lather it in my scuttle. I can use my brush to load it the way I do with Italian croaps but I don't like doing that.
That's definitely not normal. My tub of 1805 is very creamy and almost white. I ordered it directly from T&H. It should definitely not be amber colored or of a consistency matching CF creams.
Yesterday a package from T&H arrived: 1805 soap, cream, and aftershave balm.
I made this purchase after being overwhelmed by a T&H cream sample.

I've read the T&H soap is a poor performer, so I tested it as I do all my new soaps with a Semogue 610 brush. Well, I don't know what issues folks have with this soap. My puck produced a thick and rich lather with very little effort and my first pass with the Feather DX went off without a hitch. I bought the soap solely to superlather and uberlather with the cream, but I may not end up using it that way.

Onto the cream. The cream in my jar is white, not amber. I couldn't help myself, I just had to try the cream. So for my second pass with the Feather I lathered up with the cream. The T&H cream makes the most awesome, luxurious, slick, cushioning, wonderful lather.

Performance wise, the T&H cream is World Class IMO.
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I have an almost finished tub of 1805 (4 years old). It is still creamy and quite white. An off white perhaps but nowhere near as dark as the one in FL shaver's picture
I looked at my son's tub today (Though he says he likes gels better, it seems he is a third of the way through the 1805!). Looks much whiter than my tub. His started out the same color as mine.
If your cream has dried out, take the lid off and lay a damp cloth over it long enough for it to soften again.
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