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Trail Tobacco

A MacDuff Soap Company offering difficult to categorize fragrance-wise, but maybe “Roam-lite” (in a good way). B&M’s Roam has long been considered the ultimate trail soap (as in, cowboy-on-the-range-where-the-buffalo-roam-and-you-get-a-good-whiff-of-them-both). Roam, complex to the hilt like most B&M creations, to a variety of noses is “Don’t get that stuff near me!” to “I like it.” “Love it,” I haven’t actually heard yet. Trail Tobacco is actually in the true tobacco range (not a pipe burley - in spite of the label - but more of a “roll your own” Havana leaf reminiscent of The Artisan Soap Shoppe's now defunct but excellent Humidor). A milder Fall fragrance, that will be a good wear for fireside or cabin, and should be polarizing to few. Great MacDuff’s performance, silky smooth, with a soothing alcohol-free accompanying AS. Not a light Summer or Spring fragrance, but definitely on the list when cooler weather and falling leaves start to turn the season. Lay on MacDuff!

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