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To Plate or Not To Plate.

... that is the question? Finally found my father's birth year (1913) razor :thumbup: While, I had hoped it would turn out to be just tarnished, I was wrong and it is totally brassed out and pretty "cajun" style, i.e. blackened.
SO, do I leave it unrestored or go ahead and replate? What say you all - Yea or Nay to a replate?
Pic below


Thanks for your votes.
Wait, I think it's not his Dad's actual razor: "my father's birth year (1913) razor".
If that's the case, I'd try the baking soda aluminum foil treatment, and if that fails to make it shiny and smooth enough, by all means have it restored/replated.

If it WAS Dad's actual razor, I'd do everything short of a replate.
No doubt the aluminum foil process makes a difference, but that one looks too far gone. I personally wouldn't undergo the expense of a replate, but that doesn't mean I won't egg on a brother's AD! Sounds like he wants the replate but needs a nudge to satisfy his conscience.
Thanks for replies so far guys. To clarify - this is not my father's razor; I just wanted one (and finally found it!!) from year of his birth - 100 years ago.
I have already done all the usual processes:
barbicide, scrubbing bubbles, baking soda - foil, silver cleaner/polish - and yes the pics are "AFTER" pics, ugh.

As a former antique dealer and collector, i am always sensitive to the issue of restoration vs. leaving as is, so thought I'd ask how others would handle it.
FWIW, have case and blade holder that are still silver without the plate loss suffered by the razor.
In that case I'd plate it if you intend to use and enjoy it. It's not hugely valuable in the condition it's in, and if you replate it'll be restored to a condition where you'll want to use it. If it were in better shape, or if it were a prototype or something, I'd say leave it alone, but in this case, do it and enjoy it.
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I would plate it. I bought an old flarebottom that was in good shape mechanically but the plating was shot. After a replate it looks like a brand new razor.
Dude. All the black on that razor is tarnished silver. Those single rings had heavy duty plating. The foil//soda trick will have a huge impact on that.
I vote for re-plate, too. It's a single ring and not terribly valuable in its current state. Re-plating will pretty it up.
Well, turns out both the baking soda crowd (many of you) and "brassing" crowd (me) were both right. Since every time i've used the baking soda/aluminum foil method it has taken just one immersion to get great results, I thought there was no reason to re-dip. But, figured what the heck and did it another three times.
End result, the "knurled" parts are pretty brassy but the rest of the flat surfaces did benefit a bit. Not perfect, but a lot better than it was.
So, once again, I thank you all for another lesson learned - one dip won't always do it.
New pic below, after 4 soaks:

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