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Tired of common stereotypes and profiling.

Okay, I've been thinking about this for quite some time. This is the only place I could post this without a bunch of flaming or hate being thrown my way by those who have nothing better to do with their time.

I know I can't speak for an entire generation. Heck, I probably can't even say this on behalf of even a quarter of my generation.

I am so sick and tired of being associated with those who are arrogant, greedy, self-centered, and manipulative in my age group. I absolutely HATE being told how I'm supposed to think, act, speak, dress, and even shop because of my age. I for one cannot stand MTV or VH1. I hate most of the current 'music' that my age group seems to gobble up in masses. The latest trends are positively appalling. I can't go out to a movie with my wife without wanting to strangle someone who's on the phone or being incredibly rude. Eating at a nice restaurant is nearly impossible. Loud conversations, constant bumping into the booths', and lack of respect for other people make me want to tear peoples' faces off. And I'm sad to say that a good 85-95% of these offenders are people my age. I know my generation is full of these idiots, but I wish I weren't associated with them at all.

Another one that I detest is the fact that since I'm young (as well as my wife), I don't know anything. I had a pretty crappy up-bringing, as did my wife. I did things that I look back on now, and wonder how in the world I survived it all. I know that I'm young. I know that there's a LOT of things in life I've yet to experience or deal with. But just because I'm 22, people assume I don't know what it's like to struggle, scrape by, experience agonizing lose, or go without.

I often wonder if my wife and I were born in at the right time. We're so 'backward' and 'old fashioned' that we often wish we had been born much earlier in human history. Maybe we are just weird. Maybe we're the ones who are wrong. I don't know....

Anyway, I guess I should finish this up. I don't know exactly the point of spewing this all out here on this site, but I do feel a little better. You can all say what you want, comment how you like, but in the end I did this to get it out and feel better.

The only thing I ask of you is to consider this: Don't judge. Someone could've been through the same things or even more than you, and just not talk about it. At the same time, be willing to teach important life lessons to the uneducated.

My regards,
If the mods deem it so, then I'd have no problem with this being deleted. I'm not one for starting arguments or causing controversy. I honestly just needed to vent, and had in no way any intention of causing anger or spite to any of my fellow B&Bers. I did this for myself, and no one else. The only other reason its on here is to see how many others could possibly feel the same as I do. Surely, with 6 billion people on this planet, there would be more than just myself and my wife who feel this way. But, then again, I may be wrong. Anyway, if this gets deleted, then so be it.

Thank you for your concern, though. At least you're looking out for this site.
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This isn't what I think the mods were referencing. Notice no one has brought up an elected official, someone's hometown or geographic location, nationality, sex, religion, or called anyone a douchebag.
In my defense, I've not used one curse word or derogatory term. I've also steered clear of anything that could offend someone or cause an uproar.
This isn't what I think the mods were referencing. Notice no one has brought up an elected official, someone's hometown or geographic location, nationality, sex, religion, or called anyone a douchebag.

So tempting....I think I could fit it all in one sentence....:biggrin:

Anyway, my two bits on what young Master Jimbow has posted:

  1. The only thing I'd assume about someone in your age group and line of work is that I owe you a big "Thank You".
  2. Good on ya for not settling for the lowest common denominator of manners. Your life will be better in ways that are hard for you to imagine because of it.
  3. Don't sell all your peers short. There was an article published shortly before WWII lamenting the lazy, rude, sorry state of American youth of the late thirties, and they shouldered the load pretty well.
Don't sell all your peers short. There was an article published shortly before WWII lamenting the lazy, rude, sorry state of American youth of the late thirties, and they shouldered the load pretty well.
I understand. It's just so very hard when there seems to be an endless horde of this type of people, though. Surely time will prove me wrong.
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All right then, I’ll contribute. I agree with you. Stereotypes are everywhere, and there are plenty for every group. Every race and nationality has plenty; every generation has a lot. Each branch of the military has some. Smart people have them, homosexual people have them, stupid people have them. Everybody has them. The most sinister thing about these stereotypes that they are rarely spread explicitly. When I was in elementary school and I didn’t know better I was dead afraid of black people. Nobody told me to, and my parents never made any comments, but I learned it somewhere.
We all have to deal with them. I spent the last 7 years of my life working to help spread international understanding in Japan. They have some nasty stereotypes there. Most of them are out of ignorance rather than malice, but it hurts all the same. I went through a long period of anger; refusing to associate with anybody who believed these stereotypes, or trying to flat out tell people that they are nothing more than stereotypes and are not true. Anger is not the answer here. It just pushes the people away that you could potentially be educating to be more understanding. It may sound hard, but you just have to grin and bear it to a certain extent and try to help the people realize that they are wrong, because much of the time people just don’t know better (as sad as that sounds). However, you should not tolerate those who are trying to be intentionally hurtful.
Also, try not to associate too much with people who fit the stereotypes that YOU don’t want to be associated with. I went out one night with some other Americans, and there was one (an ex-army man, sorry to say), who was just a muscle-bound walking genitalia who would stop every man on the street and yell out “Where are the ladies!!?” and more-or-less being a total jackass. Considering this guy teachers Junior High students, I was pretty mortified and embarrassed. He was giving Americans, Army people, and foreigners in Japan in general, a bad name, and I wanted nothing to do with it.
I guess all this ranting doesn’t really have a point. It’s not a problem that can be dealt with easily, if at all. We all just have to find our own way to deal with it.
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Look at it this way, most kids and young adults are an embarrassment to older folk. I certainly was!

Most of us eventually grow up and become normal people. I say Most, not all!

You've just grown up earlier than most of the others. They'll catch up with you sometime and be as embarrassed by the younger ones in their turn.

It's life Jim...

Jim, I think you are an exception to the rule and I thank you for being so.

The problem is that many of your peers have set a different example and this has influenced the way others think about them.

The thing is, that every generation before you has done the same thing! We have all been stereotyped or profiled by those older than us.

What happens is, the smart ones like yourself, learn early and guide their actions accordingly. It takes others a little longer.

This is why when you get a bit older, say 30s, everyone in your age group sorta starts to homologize. By the time you get to 50 (and I'm not there yet, but soon enough) its hard to discern yourself from the rest of your age group.

It's just a normal stage of life your going through...enjoy it and enjoy being more mature, and responsible sooner than many others in your age group, but rest assured, most of them will get there too.
i try not to go by stereotypes .i work at a prison and i see all types there from people who messed up once and got caught and are trying to do their time and go home, to the type who simply needs a bullet in the head and a shallow grave.i tell them all the same thing-you act like an azz,i'll treat you like an azz.act like somebody ,i'll treat you like somebody.act like you have some class and generally you will be treated well.and gradually you will end up surrounding yourself with people who know how to behave ,and by your example others will emulate you.
scary isn't it.

gone down south

Here's the thing - you're 22. You're supposed to feel alienated and rail against the inequities of the world. It'll pass eventually. :)
I am so sick and tired of being associated with those who are arrogant, greedy, self-centered, and manipulative in my age group. [...] I for one cannot stand MTV or VH1. I hate most of the current 'music' that my age group seems to gobble up in masses. The latest trends are positively appalling.[...]I know my generation is full of these idiots, but I wish I weren't associated with them at all.

The only thing I ask of you is to consider this: Don't judge.

Hmmm...these things are interesting next to each other.
Don't let it get you down. Just continue to set a good example and hope for the best. It seems that there are quite a few more of the self absorbed, all for me, types out there; but I think it's more the fact that they just draw more attention to themselves. I like to subscribe to the theory that 10% of the population gets 90% of the attention. But then, that may just be plain old optimism...
I appreciated what you said; however, your generation is not alone in this. I'm 54 and my generation was looked at the same as yours is stereotyped. We didn't have MTV, but we did have The Fillmore and the King Biscuit Flour Hour. You have Iraq and we had Vietnam. My father told me that his generation had the equivalent of those stereotyped in the flappers, zootsuits and others. Unfortunately, there are always those that want to stereotype instead of look at individuals.

Jimbow, reading your post brought back memories, at first I thought you were talking about the sixties when I grew up.
The young generation had already gone bad by the time of Plato, who remarked how impolite , irresponsible, etc. they were.

Or, maybe what Plato was saying was:
...You kids stay off of my lawn!

I am thirty and was ashamed of my generation, too. I don't like your generation much better. But as I grew up and matured (Okay, not really.) I learned a simple truth. It doesn't matter what generation or other profile you are from. I just hate everyone!
Mr Jimbow, Do you feel the things you and your wife have endured coupled with your Military experience have anything to do with the way your feeling? I ask because i became part of the Military Culture at age 17 and for the first time in my life was treated as an adult. I was married early and when in civilian enviornments we eventually realiized people our own age didn't have a clue, how could they? They were kids! You either "grew up" or finished your "growing up" process in 6 weeks and then promptly off to war. I take it you've just returned Home. Relax and try to enjoy what you fought for. More civilians today realize what we've been doing for them since the last WW.
Jerks and clueless people will always be around get used to it. (retired USMC). Hang in there and welcome Home.:thumbup:
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