Please tell me I am not alone. After enduring an ever growing volume of inane seventh generation emails I finally couldn't take it. I composed myself first and then composed a note along these lines.
"I am not retired. The two of us run three separate small businesses. I am canceling magazine subscriptions to free up time. My inbox is loaded with emails of a business nature that need attention. Please take me off your list of people you Forward stuff to. I love to hear from you if you want to send an email, but I need you to type it. Thanks for understanding."
Believe me, there was a very different way that my sin nature wanted to compose it but I refrained. Thanksgiving would have been awkward.
OK so chime in - all together now: "Nope, you are ALLLL alone there - never had an issue with it. By the way, Forward - what is a Forward?"
"I am not retired. The two of us run three separate small businesses. I am canceling magazine subscriptions to free up time. My inbox is loaded with emails of a business nature that need attention. Please take me off your list of people you Forward stuff to. I love to hear from you if you want to send an email, but I need you to type it. Thanks for understanding."
Believe me, there was a very different way that my sin nature wanted to compose it but I refrained. Thanksgiving would have been awkward.
OK so chime in - all together now: "Nope, you are ALLLL alone there - never had an issue with it. By the way, Forward - what is a Forward?"