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Things not to do over 50

So basically don’t work out I guess? I’m 46 and lift every other day and it’s the only thing that keeps my bad knee and shoulder in check. When I skip a few days they both hurt like hell.
Who is saying not to exercise? The article only says use caution and common sense. The older we get just modify if needed.
I read jaws as a reader's digest condensed book.
I read Papillon by Henri Charriere in their condensed version. It was so interesting had to get the unabridged book from the library. The book is way better than the movie , one of my favorite stories , supposedly true events.
In keeping with the title of this thread, when considering what not to do when over the age of 50, Red Green said, "Anything with the word "Rollerblades" in it".
Not a question of hit or miss. It took considerable journalistic courage, for lack of a better term, to publish the findings to a mass audience whilst the vast majority of outlets wouldn't dare alienate advertisers.
Very intelligent point you made!
Let's Hope some of it rubbs off on


I'm a Lumberjack.
My contribution to this
decided to change the location of the mail box and put up a new cedar post. Required a sledgehammer.
ended up doing some light tapping etc holding it with one hand until i felt an odd sensation in my forearm.
tennis elbow?
ouch dont do that
been using ice
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