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The tale of 2 wilkies

I had seen many posts about the British or made in England wilkinson sword blades. Lots of people claim they can get 10+ shave from them.... yea right! Well I had one of our generous members offer to send me one. He actually sent me two different ones both made in England. I have not looked into the difference yet and please dont tell me until the story is over.

So far I used one of the blades and have used it for three shaves. All have been pretty good shaves. The blade seems sharp and smooth. The plan is to use the one blade until it starts to pull or give me a bad shave and then switch. I will keep everyone posted on how it goes

Wish me luck
I didnt take a picture of the first one but the wrapper had a stripe on it. The next one up does not
Fourth shave with the first blade today. Still sharp no cuts or weepers. Followed with a alum block and had very little irritation with it at all. I have never went for 5 shaves on one blade so we shall see how it goes
Today was shave number five. I thought I may have felt a pull here and there but still had a good shave. Nice and smooth with the pumpkin scented soap from synergy. Followed with just a splash of witch hazel. Feels nice and smooth, I did get one nick next to my mouth where I have a couple of hard to get hairs. I am going to keep it going, so far I am impressed and tempted to look up what is different between the blades
Shave number 6 down! Not the best feeling shave but not bad, no nicks or cuts and it still feel close! I may try a seventh shave on the blade
Another one down. I felt a little pulling on the same spot I always do. However it feels like I always have some pulling unless I use a very sharp blade like a feather. No irritation even with alum, finish with a splash of vintage Avon after shave for a BBS
Matt, how would you describe your whiskers?
My neck and chin are thick but the rest of my facial hair is not. The hair itself if stiff and thick. I am not someone who has a 5 oclock shadow at noon by any means. I have never used a blade past 4 shaves until now. I think I have tried a 5th shave on a blade and gave up fast
because of this post i am trying the same thing with a gillette rubie,i am on my 6th shave, going for 7 today, i have some of these old wilkies and might give them a go next, the last time i used them i changed the blade after 5 shaves, even though the blade still felt sharp.
I get around 10 from the ones like Turtle was using. I have wirey whiskers. Fairly thick but i am not a 5 oclock shadow at noon kinda guy either. I could probably get more but i have a place on my face that has Chuck norris whiskers and everything pulls there a little unless its just unwrapped. I tend to toss a blade when its more than just a lil tug.
I get about four to seven shaves out of those blades, but probably the main reason I tend to get less mileage is my bad habit of using short strokes no matter what blade I am shaving with. It seems like short strokes work well with blades that are already dull, but it dulls blades that are fresh. It's an area where my technique probably could use some improving.
shave 8 today! it felt dull but with a very small amount of pulling. To me it felt like a treet classic, dull but still works. No nicks or cuts and a DFS with no irritation. It could have been closer. I may push it to 9 but I may change my mind
gillette rubie took the count at the 8th shave,i think a 9th shave with this blade would be just too rough on the face, it was a pushing it a bit to get 8,still thats about double i get from an astra.
Okay shave 9 DONE! Smooth for the most part, one spot this is trouble some for me is not as smooth as I would like and I got a touch of irritation. Just for fun and a nice round number I am going to shoot for 10. I did feel some pulling where my beard is thicker but nothing to bad. If I was not paying attention to it more than normal I might not have even noticed it. No cuts or weepers
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