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The Official "Showing Your Age" Thread


No set belts, or airbags. AM radio, 4-40 air conditioning. Many fun family camping & hunting trips. Floor boards rusted out in the mid 60s, right axle started popping out at inopportune times, as soon as Dad would hear the tire rubbing the fender skirt, he'd jack it up and bang the axle back in with a fist maul he carried for just such purpose. No wonder few of the 59s made it past 1970. Ours was a darker blue.
All the way through high school girls could not wear pants, except select Fridays. Boys wore slacks, usually cords, & nice shirt. Jeans or tee got you sent home. Boys got the paddle for the slightest cause, girls only on a pants day, boy did they fly true then! Smoking patio, bum one off a teacher if you were out, and vice versa. Some kind of gun hanging in the back window of your pickup in the school parking lot. Trapshooting and rifle were PE classes. Hunter Safety was an elective. Girls had to take home economics, boys had to take at least a semester of shop. Most of us graduated with some form of vocational certificate. Buck knives hanging on most belts, play chicken or stretch during lunch, teachers stand there watching, one usually would remind us we were going to loose a toe someday doing that.

Pounds, shillings, and pence - I still remember how to add up in it.

Moreover, it was the best device for confusing pesky foreigners known to Man.
Computer programming, man!
FORTRAN IV and some flavour of COBOL, on an IBM 360.
Submit your deck of Hollerith cards, and come back the next day to see if it ran, or even compiled.


Card punch:


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Wow the Evil Knievel SST I had one of those they were awesome when you really got them wound up
Yep. My grandfather bought me all of them, including the support van. My favorite was the Sky Cycle (I think) that held flint in the "rocket pods". The doll fell off every time you jumped one of them- just like in real life :lol:
Once you get them in order do not drop the box.
Fer sure. That's where the notched corner and Sharpie marker comes in handy.
Any out-of-order card stands out as a discontinuity in the diagonal line.


You didn't even need a computer to do useful things with a database on punched cards.
"Unit Record Devices" were fairly dumb electro-mechanical machines that could sort, filter, match, and extract records (cards) of interest.
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