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The Last Movie You Watched?

Elf - Probably my new favorite Holiday movie. Will Ferrel was born to play that part. My 3 year old son loves it too!
"Funny People," with Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen.

Not quite what I expected - a little deeper and multi-dimensional than some of their other films. Still . . . the level of gratuitous crudity detracted tremendously from the film.

Now I'm a guy, and I used to hang out with other guys and do the cuttin' and throw it with the best of them, but this was just way over the line. I shudder to think guys today talk/act like this in real life.

It couda' been a contender . . .
I haven't seen Funny People yet, but usn't the crude humor a staple/trademark of all Apatow (both directed and produced) films?
Star Trek: The Motion Picture. What a horrible movie. Fell asleep twice. Thank goodness The Wrath of Khan came along.
Took my nephews to see "2012" Saturday. Mindless fun for me and they really enjoyed it. We're due for a big snow storm tomorrow and I've rented "The Crawling Eye" to watch with my 11 y/o son. Wonder what he'll think of a movie with primitive special effects.


I love war movies and this is a surprisingly nice one. It's tense and well directed. I didn't know that historically the plotters tried to kill Hitler much earlier in the war but failed without even an explosion happening. The movie showed what happened and it came to a whisker for the whole gang or plotters to get caught...

Then it portrays the actual attempt in July 1944, the mess it initially provoked and the ultimate failure of the putsch.

Very good movie, the music is nice too.
Guys and Dolls. One of my favorites. I'm a sucker for musicals, especially when they have the power combo of Frank Sinatra and Marlon Brando.

Not for deep thinking, but loads of fun. Liam Neeson is such a bada$$ . . . . :laugh:

"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. I can tell you that I don't have money. But what I do have is a very particular set of skills; skills I've acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I want look for you, I won't pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."

A face in the crowd. Andy Griffith like you have never seen. Loved it.

Thank god for Turner classic movie channel. About the only channel on tv I watch.
Lilja Forever - A Russian movie with subtitles. The first movie in my (old) life that ever actually made me cry.:cryin:

Thank God it was subtitled or I'd still be snifflin'. :redface:
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