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The Great Debate, Blade Speaking of Course!

Bout two of the great blade face off has begun between brothers Gillette. Silver Blue vs 7 O'clock Super Platinum. I'll post the results after the five round fight is over. The winner will go on to face Astra Superior Platinum who won a split decision against crowd favorite Polsilver in the first bout.

All that being said, whoever comes away with the championship belt, also has to be judged by the perspective cost of ownership. I decided to take a website browse at the financials of these four highly recognized contenders. The websites I viewed were each well known U.S. distributors of traditional shaving sundries. I did this so as to eliminate any possibilities of someone selling knock off blades for some crazy low price they claim was made possible only by an over zealous order by Jimmy, who is new at the company.

The prices discussed are for the purchase of 100 packs, and do not include shipping, handling, or what have ya, so keep that in mind. Polsilver comes in a a very pricey $36. Next on the wholly crap list is Gillette 7 O'Clock, at a whopping $50 per 100. Next in line was Gillette Silver Blue with a range of $32 to $35, depending on the website. Here's the real kicker; Astra Superior Platinum rolled in at $15 & $18.

Taking into consideration that Astra not only kept up, but beat Polsilver in the earlier head-to-head match-up. They also come in at over half the price per 100 pack. That gives me a vision of that famous photo of Mohammed Ali standing over Sonny Liston.

All this being said, when whichever of the Gillette brothers takes on Astra in the championship round, they will have to beat them by a large margin to cover to (price) point spread as well. Not a small undertaking to say the least.


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