When I started wet shaving I used a Sensor Excel and a VDH bowl, brush and soap. My shaves were BBS pretty much every morning. A few months ago I started DE shaving and although I've gotten pretty good at it, DFS has been more common than BBS for me. With the highlander challenge I tried mixing up everything I could change: water temperature, when I shaved, before or after the shower, etc. I found that cold water resulted in the best shaves but I don't like it, that the traditional method post shower is the second best, but still was mostly DFS for me.
And then...
I was in a hurry and rushed my shave. Noticed during the day that I had a pretty sweet BBS shave that day. Had more time the next day, DFS. So now I've picked up the pace every day and BBS has become routine. I've used two different blades (GSB and Derby) and used one almost a week (GSB) and still BBS every day (except day 7 when I binned the GSB).
Technique is like the white whale around here at times, but I thought it worth sharing this change to my technique that made a huge difference in the quality of my shaves.
When I started wet shaving I used a Sensor Excel and a VDH bowl, brush and soap. My shaves were BBS pretty much every morning. A few months ago I started DE shaving and although I've gotten pretty good at it, DFS has been more common than BBS for me. With the highlander challenge I tried mixing up everything I could change: water temperature, when I shaved, before or after the shower, etc. I found that cold water resulted in the best shaves but I don't like it, that the traditional method post shower is the second best, but still was mostly DFS for me.
And then...
I was in a hurry and rushed my shave. Noticed during the day that I had a pretty sweet BBS shave that day. Had more time the next day, DFS. So now I've picked up the pace every day and BBS has become routine. I've used two different blades (GSB and Derby) and used one almost a week (GSB) and still BBS every day (except day 7 when I binned the GSB).
Technique is like the white whale around here at times, but I thought it worth sharing this change to my technique that made a huge difference in the quality of my shaves.