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The Anything Thread

I was looking at the "street level" view of my hometown the other day... (Yes, Distraction, TX now has street level view) and an idea that has been stewing in my mind for many years was brought to the forefront again.
Here's the facts as I see them:

1. Google has street level map data of pretty much every location in America.
2. Google has street level photos of most municipalities in America, growing every day.
3. Topographical data for every location in the world is available online.
4. Traffic data can be easily tracked and displayed online with at least cursory accuracy.
5. Demographic data for Law enforcement agencies can be easily tracked and displayed (ie. number of state troopers in a given county).
6. Demographic data for every municipality in America is available on Google (ie. Walmart is at 123 Anystreet, Wompwoller MI).

Okay, so why couldn't (and more importantly, why hasn't?) some enterprising young programmer devise a racing game that pulls map data from Google?

You could pull the map data, overlay it with topo to get the general lay of the land, and use generic images to hold the place of either "a business" or "a house" along the roads. Then, you populate the game with roughly the same congestion and law enforcement ratio of the area.

Imagine a racing game where you can scream through the alleys of your own home town.

Hey Internet! Get on this, ASAP!
google earth pro (not sure about regular) has its flight simulator, surely this could be done!
great idea!

A virtual Cannonball Run...
LOVE that movie, just watched it the night before last...
interesting anecdote (not useful, just interesting)...
I dated three lovely young ladies during my tenure in college;
all three have come home with me during that dating relationship to my parent's house, and at some point we watched both cannonball run movies;
my current wife is the only one of the three that enjoyed them.
(in their defense, though, they may have missed some of the best parts...)(of the movie, that is....)

This thread's title has taken a rather morbid turn, eh?

Thought I'd share some good news with you fellas this morning -- I just received the "go" to schedule my dissertation defense. And there was much rejoicing.
groovilicious, my friend!
excellent work!
I wish you the best of luck to discern your defenestration
LOVE that movie, just watched it the night before last...
interesting anecdote (not useful, just interesting)...
I dated three lovely young ladies during my tenure in college;
all three have come home with me during that dating relationship to my parent's house, and at some point we watched both cannonball run movies;
my current wife is the only one of the three that enjoyed them.
(in their defense, though, they may have missed some of the best parts...)(of the movie, that is....)


This is one of my tests for ladies. Except for me the movie is Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction.:lol:


This is one of my tests for ladies. Except for me the movie is Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction.:lol:

Yeah, me too, except for me it was Naughty Naked Nuns XII* and Wet 'n' Wild Waffle Eaters 3**.

*AKA "Monty Python and the Life of Brian"
**AKA "Star Wars"


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Cannonball doesn't hold a candle to Smokey and the Bandit! :w00t:

Cannonball doesn't hold a candle to Smokey and the Bandit! :w00t:


Boy, when we get home, I'm gonna hitcho mamma in da mouth, cuz they ain't Noooo way you come from these loinzzzz.
Prolonged Northerly straight line winds over Lake Michigan... you are on my list!
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