After making my own tend skin for a while, I found myself without alcohol for the mix and lacking the ambition to go out and pick some up. With that, I grabbed a half dozen uncoated aspirin and dropped them into the half bottle of Thayers Medicated that I had. has been great! Smells better, using at a lesser strength, and my skin has honestly looked better. I am using this in conjunction with Mystic Waters Maestrale soap.
So, the tend skin idea treats me well and I seem to get ingrowns without it. At this lesser rate, it is still working I am thinking I might be able to add 4 or so uncoated aspirin to Captain's Choice...and the other splashes that I have to get the effect.
Has anyone else tried this?
So, the tend skin idea treats me well and I seem to get ingrowns without it. At this lesser rate, it is still working I am thinking I might be able to add 4 or so uncoated aspirin to Captain's Choice...and the other splashes that I have to get the effect.
Has anyone else tried this?