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Thater/Rooney question.

Quite excited by the Thater 4125 fan brushes at SRP. I received a size 3 and it was a monster. Does anyone own or have photos of both the Rooney 2XL and Thater 4125/1 or 2 fan? Their specs can be misleading (in a good way!) The 2XL size is what I'm after and I am hearing great things of Thater two band hair in use. Thanks

The shot below is a 2XL with a -2. The Thäter's knot is 28.3-53.3 and the Rooney's is 28.4-47.1. The Fan is a 4292-5 with a 28.5-52 knot; it's a great brush but does not have the backbone of the Thäter bulb 2-bands.

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