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That crud just doesn't come off

I picked up a C-1 1957 Superspeed today for $2 that is starting to clean up pretty well but still has some junk on the bottom of the head that kind of looks like dried mustard. I can't pick it off with a toothpick even!

So, question: What can I do short of sandblasting that will remove this junk. Since I only spent $2 on it, I am using this as a learning experience on how to beautify old and cruddy razors.

Another question: What is the handle plated in? Is it sliver? If so, I am keen on trying the borax/aluminum thing.

You are folks are all so wonderful! It's great to have this forum to come to. Thanks!


I need a flea bath
I am not sure what you have done to clean it. What works best for me is take a bowl put some dish soap in it, add some scrubbing bubbles, I use a healthy splash. Run tap water as hot as it will come out of your faucet, fill the bowl and let the razor soak. When the water cools go to work on it with a soft toothbrush. Repeat process until clean.
I picked up a C-1 1957 Superspeed today for $2 that is starting to clean up pretty well but still has some junk on the bottom of the head that kind of looks like dried mustard. I can't pick it off with a toothpick even!

So, question: What can I do short of sandblasting that will remove this junk. Since I only spent $2 on it, I am using this as a learning experience on how to beautify old and cruddy razors.

Another question: What is the handle plated in? Is it sliver? If so, I am keen on trying the borax/aluminum thing.

You are folks are all so wonderful! It's great to have this forum to come to. Thanks!

I would repeat soaking the razor in hot water. Even try using diluted simple green with a soft toothbrush. The handle in nickel plated brass.
Hmm, this stuff must be really stubborn. I have been doing just those things for the past couple of hours...several soakings, bubbles, toothbrushings, etc..

Has anybody ever tried vinegar and salt? Would that hurt a '57 Superspeed?
The plating is usually nickel. The underlying material is brass. I would not get tricksy with the borax and aluminum foil. Any mustard-colored stuff is just goop. Soak it in hot water and see if it softens up.
I would repeat soaking the razor in hot water. Even try using diluted simple green with a soft toothbrush. The handle in nickel plated brass.

Ahh, okay. So the whole thing is nickel. Good to know. I was thinking the handle must be silver as dull as it looks.
I would repeat soaking the razor in hot water. Even try using diluted simple green with a soft toothbrush. The handle in nickel plated brass.
+1 on the SimpleGreen ... but don't dilute it. Spray it on full strength and let it sit for a few minutes. Put the razor in a small bowl and cover it with water just enough to cover. Let it sit for an hour or so, agitating every 10~15 minutes. Remove, rinse, scrub with toothbrush. Repeat the whole process several times.

I had an old Aristocrat that was in absolutely horrid shape. It had greenish blobs that wouldn't come off with repeated treatments with Scrubbing Bubbles. Finally, the Simple Green treatment did the trick in 3 or 4 sessions.
Instead of hot water, try boiling water = 1 point
Next, add a cleaner such as dish detergent = 1 point
Use toothbrush and/or 0000 steel wool to agitate = 1 point
Since you can not use pressure, that is - 1 point so the other 3 have to make up for it.
(if you do not know what it is I am referring to, look up "cleaning pie" or "cleaning pie chart"

Depending on what it is, depends on what chemical to use, right now just a hit and miss, but a good polish like Maas, Wrights, etc will help a lot, especially as soon as you pull it out of the hot water and using a toothbrush, etc.
Lowes has a polish that works good on old razors used for cleaning and polishing the diamond plate truck tool boxes.
Flitz is also very good if you can find it.
The parts store has Mothers Billet polish and Mothers Chrome or/and aluminum polish in a "tub", works better than in the bottle.
When it is clean, you can then use something a little less aggressive for a final polish or continue to use the Billett polish or Maas, they break down nicely:)

Hope this helps...
I find that soaking a razor in hot water and baking soda works a treat on some hard scum and even spots of corroded metal. Just keep trying different washing methods. Just don't be an idiot like me and get impatient and use a metal implement to dislodge it. I cleaned the head but I also left permanent scratches. :18:
Are you sure it isn't brass? I had a slim that had some yellow spots about 2mm in diameter that would not come off, turned out it was tarnished brass.
So much useful info. Thanks everybody! The only thing I have available at this time is baking soda so I will try that. Failing that, I will find simple green and/or try all the other things.

I am fairly certain it isn't brassing. If I could take a picture of the area, I would but my Kodak digital doesn't seem to like me getting closer than 4 feet to anything. I am working on that. pics really help with these kinds of issues.

I will keep at it. Thanks! SWMBO needs some TLC now. Later, guys!
That my friend is plate loss or brassing. I have had some tools just like that. The good news is it does not affect the razors shaving abality. For two bucks you did very well. In time if you really enjoy this razor you could replate/restore it to it's former glory. This would be cost effective for you since you have so little money in it. :thumbup1:
I don't know that I would want to replate this razor. If I had some spare cash it woul be fun to see how well they could do with it. I noticed the knob has a lot of play in it when the doors are all the way opened. Is that normal or would that need to be fixed also?
I don't know that I would want to replate this razor. If I had some spare cash it woul be fun to see how well they could do with it. I noticed the knob has a lot of play in it when the doors are all the way opened. Is that normal or would that need to be fixed also?

There should not be any play in the tto knob when the doors are fully closed. Some of the SS are a bit tricky to disassemble if you don't have the right tools to do it. If I remember right I read in another thread some time back that some of the later SS had a retainer clip that was not easy to remove or re-install and this may be the problem you have now... the clip is not fully seated where it should be.

cooncatbob will know more about how it comes apart and how to put it back together.

Good luck :thumbup1:
Actually the knob is nice and tight when the doors are closed. So maybe I don't a problem with that. It is only loosey goosey when the doors are opened. I can make then flap a bit when they are open! :-D
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