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Thank You Gentlemen

I want to thank you gentlemen for all of the great tips and advice you give here at B&B.

I just pulled into the truckstop a little while ago, grabbed my shower bag and shave kit, and headed in for a nice hot shower and shave.

While I am still using the canned goo until I get that Duke brush that Lee's was kind enough to donate to the contest, I kept in mind all of the great advice given here and had my best shave to date.

I did two passes this time and while it's still not BBS perfect, it's pretty darned close.

I do have two trouble spots, the areas directly under the jaw line on each side, where the whiskers don't grow in the same direction as everything else. It grows in a direction from the outside of the neck in towards the center line. This makes these two spots more difficult to shave and I can never quite get those two areas as smooth as the rest even though I do what amounts to an E-W/W-E in those spots instead of N-S/S-N.

Ah well, I'll eventually get that too.

I greatly appreciate all the fine people here who generously give of their time and experience.

I can hardly wait to get that Duke in my grubby paws and try real shaving. :biggrin: :biggrin:
I like the image that you've conjured up of the gentleman trucker with his DE razor, badger hair shaving brush, a nice wake-me-up shaving cream in a tube perhaps, a good ASB, some English spray cologne, and a Mack Truck mesh cap perched on his dome.

This is all the makings of a movie or a television show! :cool:

The gentleman trucker who drives across the country solving crimes along the way.
jduffy said:
I like the image that you've conjured up of the gentleman trucker with his DE razor, badger hair shaving brush, a nice wake-me-up shaving cream in a tube perhaps, a good ASB, some English spray cologne, and a Mack Truck mesh cap perched on his dome.

This is all the makings of a movie or a television show! :cool:

The gentleman trucker who drives across the country solving crimes along the way.
Hmmm, well maybe all except the mesh cap (never liked those ugly things). I wear a fedora most of the time but I do wear several other types as well including my Stetson western hat from time to time. The fedora is my favorite.

And I do like to think of myself as a gentleman trucker so thanks for that.
Since you had a recommendation of advice pages dealing with Mason's jawline issues, I have to ask if you can recommend any pages for those of us with problematic chins. Thanks, Carey
Welcome Hairy (You real name?)
Well Hairy, I am almost positive that there are some threads here and there that deal specifically with chins, but in light of the fact that the chin really is the terminus for two (inner) ends of the jawbone, my suggested readings may pay dividends for your efforts at problems solving.
You may wish to do a search on the term chin and see how many matches you found in any of the forums.:001_cool:
MasonM said:
Hmmm, well maybe all except the mesh cap (never liked those ugly things). I wear a fedora most of the time but I do wear several other types as well including my Stetson western hat from time to time. The fedora is my favorite.

And I do like to think of myself as a gentleman trucker so thanks for that.

No problem sir! Keep on truckin' as the saying goes.
guenron said:
For those jawline (jawbone) issues I would highly recommend these erudite posts on passes and stretching. Guaranteed!:thumbup1:

I took your suggestion and read and re-read your post on Passes. I even mimed the entire shave during the second reading. A little later I shaved and paid close attention to my passes and stretching. I had a very nice shave without any nicks or weeping (of either kind). It was a zen moment during the shave and even now in the reflection on the experience. Thanks for suggesting those posts. Carey :thumbup:
Hello again Carey and Mason,
I really get great pleasure and satisfaction learning that some of the time I spend (attempting) to communicate pays off for someone in a better shave! :w00t:
guenron said:
Hello again Carey and Mason,
I really get great pleasure and satisfaction learning that some of the time I spend (attempting) to communicate pays off for someone in a better shave! :w00t:
Ron, I'm sure you do and I for one greatly appreciate you taking the time to do so.
MasonM said:
Ron, I'm sure you do and I for one greatly appreciate you taking the time to do so.

This is why you will sometimes see me referring to Obi-Ron in some of my posts-he is truly one of the go to guys on this site.

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