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Talk to me about Su or Suita

i understand it translates to empty or holes or something like that, but how does one know when it clearly is toxic to have them and when it's fine.

Su are not toxic. They're just holes in the stone that were formed by gas bubbles.
I think a common translation is 'hive' or 'nest'.

Not all Suita have Su. Those without Su are referred to as Sunashi.
And - it's been explained to me that not all stones that have Su are Suita.

Suita come from particular strata in the mine.
The holes just happen to be one of the things that those layers are prone to having.
You can see su in some really hard stones, I have had a few Ozuko that had the Su, but were not suita.
True suitas are not that good for razor in my experience, I have only seen one that was fine enough but too crumbly.
I have a Shinden Sunashi that is really good razor finisher.
This is a Nakayama Suita

It is a fantastic stone, it is capable of going from bevel set to shave ready with one slurry
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Doc. No su?

So, all, how do you determine if your rock has su that would be not visible? And if its bad?
Doc. No su?

So, all, how do you determine if your rock has su that would be not visible? And if its bad?

The Sunashi Suita stones come from the suita strata, only they have no Su. Suitas are not bad, it is just a matter of the particular stone working for razors, as any other Jnat
how do you determine if your rock has su that would be not visible? And if its bad?

You can't tell - there can be Su deeper in the stone, but not showing.

Su isn't a problem - It's not a 'bad' thing. It's just holes.

My Okudo Suita is full of Su - I use it all the time with Mikawa Nagura and a Tomo - and the edges are always fantastic.
Ahhh. Okay... So while it's not bad, I sill need to look out for strange scratches based on debris in those holes?
Unless you're unloading a sand truck over your stone while honing - I don't see how 'debris' is going to get in the way.

I've never had an issue - and I've had a few Suitas. Maybe it could happen - I think I'd feel it though.
Doc. No su?

So, all, how do you determine if your rock has su that would be not visible? And if its bad?
Mine has some. I have looked it over with the loupe and there are some. I am sure with more use some will disappear and other will appear.

Inhave never had an issue with any debris. I have never "felt" anything strange when honing.

This stone is one of the fastest JNATs I have with slurry raised on it with a DMT and yet it yields an incredibly mellow and keen edge.
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