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Stropping to a shave ready edge


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
What if someone made a synthetic hanging strop that could serve as a backing for films. Could not someone strop their way to a shave ready edge assuming a low enough micron sized lapping film was available?

If you patent it and make millions I will require a small gratuity for my idea :lol:
There's a problem:

. . . Most "hanging strop" fabrics bend easily;

. . . I think that sharpening films are Mylar-based (or similar), and are pretty stiff.

I _think_, if you glued a piece of film to a piece of seat-belt material, the film might buckle as it passed over the razor's spine or edge. That wouldn't be good.

But it won't cost much to try it out. You're the one with the idea -- get a piece of seat-belt nylon, some contact cement, a piece of 1- or 2-micron film, and tell us how it works.

. Charles


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
It think...

You would have possible problems with a rounded edge, wire edge or uneven edge/ bevel.

I don't think most people could strop with the absolute evenness that is required to create a shave ready edge. Maintaining, sure. Lots of people do that with pastes, but they remove a very small amount of metal. Stropping on a hanging strop, and removing enough metal to create the edge would be a recipe for disaster.

I could be wrong, but that is my feeling.
Intersting. I don't think it would work. The Saran Wrap would buckle and crinkle. A paddle strop-why even bother. You can make a slate paddle strop.

Can you get a shave ready razor from a set bevel on hanging strops with just sprays? Don't know. I doubt it.
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