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Stropping Smiley - Smiling Spine

Silly question. Do you strop a smiling/curved razor the same as a normal straight on 3inch wide leather? X-Strokes? Anything specific to take note of as I don't want to damage my strops?
On 3" strops I just strop normally. With a smiling spine, deflecting the strop by burying the spine will tend to scuff up the edges of the strop, so a bit lighter pressure on the spine and not deflecting the strop much works well for me.
what is 'burying the spine' and 'deflecting the strop' mean?
Some people recommend using more pressure on the spine, I guess to insure that the spine is always in good contact with the strop. I'm not one who recommends this, though over the years I found myself doing it to a degree and have since reformed to the lighter hand that I started with.

It's hard to describe the action much more without giving instructions on how to do it, though it seems self explanatory to me. Since I recommend against it, I'm reluctant to furnish such instruction.
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