I’ve found that finishing the modern German razors to be somewhat of a cat and mouse game when I’m at 8K and above. I use enough pressure on the 8K to wipe out the 5K work in 10 strokes or less if I can get away with it.
Also bear in mind that some 8000 grit stones will give you a little more grace at 12,000. For example, an 8000 grit stone that’s a little less fine than another gives me a little more flexibility on the 12K stone as far as stroke count goes.
Also, some have experimented with trace amounts of slurry on both the 8K and the 12K stone in an attempt to try to keep the edge from getting too thin too fast saving the final finishing strokes on a clean stone for the very end.
Also bear in mind that some 8000 grit stones will give you a little more grace at 12,000. For example, an 8000 grit stone that’s a little less fine than another gives me a little more flexibility on the 12K stone as far as stroke count goes.
Also, some have experimented with trace amounts of slurry on both the 8K and the 12K stone in an attempt to try to keep the edge from getting too thin too fast saving the final finishing strokes on a clean stone for the very end.