Hi All,
Is it possible to have a stiff TTO mechanism due to thread stripping? I bought a 1959 E4 Super Speed (flare tip??) and the TTO mechanism gets stiff usually as it gets closer to the full open position. I've soaked it in water for over a week (with and without dish detergent), had it soaking in simple green (straight up) for 3-4 days, I've had it soaking in rubbing alcohol for 3 days, water/hydrogen peroxide for 3 days, and I had it soaking in liquid Kaboom for about 4 days and it hasn't helped making the mechanism move smoothly. I figure I've soaked it long enough to get out any gunk so I'm thinking it might be the mechanism. It's functional/usable I was just hoping to get it to work smoother. Thanks.
Is it possible to have a stiff TTO mechanism due to thread stripping? I bought a 1959 E4 Super Speed (flare tip??) and the TTO mechanism gets stiff usually as it gets closer to the full open position. I've soaked it in water for over a week (with and without dish detergent), had it soaking in simple green (straight up) for 3-4 days, I've had it soaking in rubbing alcohol for 3 days, water/hydrogen peroxide for 3 days, and I had it soaking in liquid Kaboom for about 4 days and it hasn't helped making the mechanism move smoothly. I figure I've soaked it long enough to get out any gunk so I'm thinking it might be the mechanism. It's functional/usable I was just hoping to get it to work smoother. Thanks.