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Steward Interview - Marco

Great interview B&B, what a true embassador of wetshaving Marco is.

I can see a possible surge in activity in the straight razor sub-forums from this!
Excellent interview. Marco's advice has been very helpful to me since I began wet-shaving. Not only his passion for wet shaving, but also his family comes through in the interview.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Grazie a Jason per il colloquio. VI ringrazio ancora per la vostra esperienza, la vostra meravigliosa atteggiamento, i ricordi di tuo nonno, e i vostri contributi a Badger e lama. Non cambiare, il mio amico. Rendiamo onore e rispetto per te e i tuoi ricordi di tuo nonno.

Well said.

(google translated)
Like so many things with Marco's name attached to it, this interview is a great read.

Jason, thanks so much for interviewing one of the preeminent ambassadors to wet shaving in the world today.
​Nice interview, i enjoyed it very much. Thank you Marco for all the good information you have given us here on the B&B.
Terrific interview...thanks to both of you. I echo everyone's comment on Marco being a class act. When I first started here at B&B, I quickly saw that his posts were always quite helpful, and now, whenever I see one of his posts, I read it with great enthusiasm. And it doesn't hurt being of Italian descent myself...and loving all things Italian as it reminds me of family.
Thank you guys for your time and service. I know we are all on-line here, but acts like this, really connect a name to a person. Marco, you mentioned you like the old west, do you like John Wayne?


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Thank you Jason! Great interview Marco!


B&B's Man in Italy
My dear friends, the idea of a second interview after the first one I did back in 2011 with Luc was certainly very nice and something I really didn't expect. But my friend Jason was right, many things have changed since then: my return to straight razor shaving after so many years, the honing journey and the arrival on the market of many new wonderful products, especially those proudly made by experienced Artisans. Kudos to Jason, who is a true Gentleman and a fine Steward mate of our great community. And many thanks to you all for the kind words of appreciation, I'm honestly and sincerely flattered.
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My dear friends, the idea of a second interview after the first one I did back in 2011 with Luc was certainly very nice and something I really didn't expect. But my friend Jason was right, many things have changed since then: my return to straight razor shaving after so many years, the honing journey and the arrival on the market of many new wonderful products, especially those proudly made by experienced Artisans. Kudos to Jason, who is a true Gentleman and a fine Steward mate of our great community. And many thanks to you all for the kind words of appreciation, I'm honestly and sincerely flattered.

The pleasure is ours, my friend.
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