What's new

Starting 2013

Happy New Year Nib-elungen!

This is what has ink in it at the beginning of the year. The line up will change, as other pens get rotated in and out, but this is close to the maximum I want to keep inked at any one time. Maybe one more on occasion, maybe two or three fewer. At any rate, a far cry from the 28 I reported having inked only about 7 or 8 months ago.

Top, L-R:

Pilot Petit 1 with Noodler's Fox.
Parker 51 Demi with Private Reserve Ebony Purple.

Middle, L-R:

Esterbrook J with Namiki Blue.
Pelikan M205 with De Atramentis Gaius Julius Caesar.
Namiki Falcon with Namiki Blue.
Pilot FP-78G with Noodler's Kung Te-Cheng.
Conklin Crescent (vintage), #3 Toledo Nib. Iroshizuku Asa-Gao

Bottom, L-R:

Conway Stewart 388 with De Atramentis Aubergine.
Eversharp Skyline with Namiki Blue.

Top Bottom