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Spend on the Hottop or save on the Behmor Coffee Roaster?

I've tasted my first roast at the 12, 24, 36, and 48 hr marks. The Colombian is becoming very smooth as it degases and is a very pleasant cup. Now the question is, do I try and roast the same beans again or pick another bean to try. I'm leaning towards doing more Colombian and seeing if some of the things I learned from the first run can tease out a few more flavors in my second batch.

The Sumatra is indeed Mandheling, but I quite enjoy Sumatran coffee. I love the earthy flavor and the heavy body. It's always a nice change of pace.
Go for it. Do 3 or 4 half pound roasts of a variety of beans. Each bean will roast differently so you can only use what happened with your Colombian as a vague "guideline" with other beans. The size of the bean, dryness, and just plain "gee it came off of a completely different bush" will change things up for you from bean to bean and roast to roast.

Just jump in and have some fun.

The only constant is TAKE GOOD NOTES of the roast so that you can go back with the same beans and same roast settings if you like how it came out.

hey.... It's only coffee. If another roast does not come out as expected just "drink the evidence" and try again :001_smile
And if you don't like how your roast tastes with one brewing method, make the coffee a different way. I recently roasted up a batch of Sweet Maria's "Altiplano," an espresso blend intended to work well for brewed coffee, too. It came out a little light for espresso (City+), but tastes delicious as pour over.
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