Thank you GentlemenI do what I can
You are too modest, Luis, my friend. The SOTD would not be the same without you.

Thank you GentlemenI do what I can
Monday, 2.IV.2012
Predopobarba Vitos
Simpson Duke 3 best badger
C&E Sienna
Mühle R101
Iridium Super
Thayers Witch Hazel Lemon
Woods of Windsor ASB
MdC - Thater 4125/0 - Gillette NEW w/Bull Mastiff handle - Gillette 7 O'Clock yellow - PdP AS balm - Dior Granville edt
Sometimes you go to the outdoors, sometimes you bring the outdoors in...
TI - Forafeitado Special Buy | Thäter Bulb | MdC | Sabon | Caron Pour Un Homme
*whispers* Psst... David, it's April now *whispers*
I'll challenge you, Bill, to get some trees in tomorrow!!!Is that a new TI you have there? Don't recall that one, although my memory is suffering in these declining years!
I know, Keith, but Henry likes to start the SOTD Tabula Gratulatoria, so we'll have to wait(and wait,and wait) for him!
Pre : Aleppo Soap + Proraso Pre
Bowl : Robert Becker Scuttle
Brush : Hirschpinsel "Muhle" Boar
Safety Razor : Gibbs Nº16
Blade : Rapira Super Stainless #1
Soap : Pvilches Stick Shave Soap Mix
Post : Brut Faberge After Shave
David, this is a new TI. I honed it last night and gave it an inagural run. I figured that a rosewood handle was perfect for an outdoor theme! You want trees? Don't you know I live in an urban jungle?
Absolutely crap shave today because I don't have my straights, nor my brushes here in Uni at the moment... meh.
Nivea Moisturizing goop (rubbish! felt awful and sticky)
Edwin Jagger DE89 with Personna Red
DR Harris Marlborough Aftershave
Only nice part of the shave was the Marlborough. Can't wait to get back home on Wednesday and have a proper shave.
Nope have this week to go, and in fact have some more lectures next week... David you know what I am getting this April, and that should tell you I am wayyy overbudget for a student. I was in Green Park and went through pretty much all the aftershaves from TOBS, GFT, and DR Harris, and decided Marlborough was the one I liked best (although the Bay Rum wasn't half bad). That canned goop was absolutely awful, my razor was pretty much glued to my face it was so stickyYou must have finished Uni by now, Till? You need the Marlborough soap to go with that AS I think! Love the Marlborough soap, not too keen on the AS though, and as for the cologne......
Monday, April 2, 2012. Good Morning!
Morning Coffee: Hills Brothers Original Blend
Prep: Wash face with Musgo Real Glyce Lime
Razor: Schick I2 Hydro-magic
Blade: Schick
Soap: MWF
Brush: Semogue 1305
Scuttle: Dirty Bird 1.5
Post: Cold water rinse followed by some Floid Blue A/S
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Monday morning, April 2, 2012
Schick E2 Injector Razor w/ Personna blade (6)
Semogue 1250 boar bristle brush,
MWF shaving soap w/ warm water lather,
finish with cold water rinse for a DFS!
Is it April Already ?!?!
~ 04/02/2012 ~
Semogue 830 | EJ BChrome w/ Red IP | Proraso Crema Pre E Dopo Barba | ARKO | Proraso Crema Liquida Dopobarba
Happy April to everyone! Unfortunately I don't have time to take my items on the deck to get a beautiful background for my SOTD pic. But to replicate it as best as possible, I opened my window shade to show the natural bright sun light shining on the items. Anyways, today's shave was quite excellent and I think I have picked the three SS for my rotation this week. 2 Tallow Based and the other shall be Vegetal. Of course one of them is ARKO! Alright Gents, you all have a great day!
Gents, my little Joey has the fever unfortunately and I probably won't have time this week for outdoor shots.
Here is my daily shave:
Simpson Classic 2 Best
Proraso Red Sandalwood Oil & Shea Butter
Merkur 1904 42C
Red Personna
Floid Mentolado Suave
The newest Proraso Red is a terrific performer indeed!
I am sure I speak for everybody else here also, Marco, when I wish Joey a speedy recovery.
Sun, glorious sun!Your usual standard of excellence here, Balaji!
Why, Thank you my friend! Is this week SOTD pic your pic or Erwin's? It is quite excellent!