Brush: Omega 50086 Bambino 18/48
Soap: Clubman
Razor: BiC METAL (1)
ASL: Clubman
An OK shave.
I was surprised at @Mr. Shavington classing this razor among his favorites (hence I HAD TO try one out). It's designed (IMO) like most cartridge and disposable razors. That is, it's meant to be ridden shallow, like most GEM style single edgers. Perfect examples of this are the ones with no cap at all, so, just like a straight (blade only) there's no cap to depress the skin in front of the blade (caps make them brilliant at lopping off any skin undulations [and the thicker the cap the worse it gets]).
I'm a natural steep shaver, hence my preference for DE razors where riding the guard (at all times) smooths the skin in front of the blade. That's why DEs have guards (IMO [and King C. Gillette's]).
Notwithstanding my yattering above, I did get an excellent BBS shave with the BiC METAL... and being a lightweight razor lover I didn't need to increase my virtually non-existent pressure one bit. Having said that it was an OK shave only refers to my DE razor preference... I got an excellent shave but would definitely prefer using one of my DE favorites, in particular my Oliblade—Classic Steel—Original Grail razor.
(More pics of the BiC METAL [which arrived today] HERE if you're interested.)
Happy shaves guys.