Oft times it is said that a key reason to enter the wonderful world of wetshaving is the economic benefit to be had.
Then, after the $100+ English brush(es) dozen or so boutique creams and soaps from myriad manufactures, most at $15-$30 a copy...indeed the "saving money" concept can be viewed with a jaundiced eye.
Not that it matters in the least.
My rationale for wetshaving is I have a tedious beard and I don't feel like shaving but ONCE a day. A decent wetshave done properly affords me this benefit. The razor blades made from unobtanium, brushes knotted with hairs from unborn kangaroo, and creams concocted by the coven from Macbeth all make the entire affair less than mundane, but NOT necessary. Not by a long shot.
Omega Pro 49-2nd use ($9)
Klar Kabinette Soap (about 1 or 2 grams from a 250 gram block..this stuff lasts forever..$22 for 500 grams)
Ikea Grunthal bowl/lid (3 for $4)
Economic advantage?? Got that RIIIIGHT Here!!!
Then, after the $100+ English brush(es) dozen or so boutique creams and soaps from myriad manufactures, most at $15-$30 a copy...indeed the "saving money" concept can be viewed with a jaundiced eye.
Not that it matters in the least.
My rationale for wetshaving is I have a tedious beard and I don't feel like shaving but ONCE a day. A decent wetshave done properly affords me this benefit. The razor blades made from unobtanium, brushes knotted with hairs from unborn kangaroo, and creams concocted by the coven from Macbeth all make the entire affair less than mundane, but NOT necessary. Not by a long shot.
Omega Pro 49-2nd use ($9)
Klar Kabinette Soap (about 1 or 2 grams from a 250 gram block..this stuff lasts forever..$22 for 500 grams)
Ikea Grunthal bowl/lid (3 for $4)
Economic advantage?? Got that RIIIIGHT Here!!!