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Soap scent when using hard/soft water

Hey Guys,

I just got home after several weeks of travelling and I wanted to give all my new products a whirl; the thing I was most excited to try out was my new Rudy Vey brush (http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/349062-Breaking-in-pics-of-my-new-Rudy-Vey-brush) for pics!

Where I was travelling has very hard water and while I was able to get lots and lots of lather the scents seems kind of meh. Now that i'm back home and have very soft water, I ran through my wares and was blown away by the scents coming off the same soaps. I had an assortments of Mikes and while away I didn't see what the hype was about but now, after using soft water Mike's products are unbelievable. The biggest revelation for me was Panna Crema Namaste; when I took a sniff it blew my socks off.

One thing i've noticed is that I'm not able to make the voluminous amounts of lather I was able to before, but I was using a different brush (synthetic while travelling vs. badger at home) so maybe that might make up for some of the difference.

Have you guys noticed this as well or is it just me? I fear that I got rid of some good stuff because it didn't smell nice at the time before this revelation.

What are your thoughts?
It never occurred to me that water hardness could influence the scent of a soap

i recently installed a water softener and while I can say my lather quality has improved, I don't think it's made any noticeable impact on my enjoyment or disapproval of various scents
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