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Soap Of The Month Club (SOTMC)

Success in April with Tabac

Trying something different for May. Was given Sharp Dressed Man shave cream, so be using that all month

Attempts: 70
Completions: 68
Fails: 2 (July 2015, August 2016)

Soaps Used: Tabac soap x20, T&H Sandalwood soap x5, GFT Spanish leather x2, GFT Eucris soap x8, GFT Violet soap x6, Proraso Green soap x5, Spieck cream x2, TOBS Avocado cream x 2, Truefitt & Hill rose cream x 3, Truefitt & Hill Grafton cream x3, Dr. Harris Marlborough soap, Midnight & Two's The Studyx3, Col. Conk Bay Rum, Queen Charlotte's Irish Tweed x2, Arko Soap x 3, Proraso Blue, Midnight & Two's The Study, Italian Barber Amici, Barrister & Mann Leviathan, Henri et Victoria Cuban Cigar, Great Canadian Shave Co. Lavender, Stirling Black Cumin & Orange, Arko Shave Cream.

Soaps finished during a month: 8 (Truefitt & Hill Rose, Henri et Victoria Cuban Cigar, Stirling Black Cumin, Fendrihan's Sandalwood & Lavender, Barrister & Mann Leviathan, Queen Charlotte's Green Irish Tweed,Truefitt & Hill Violet, and Tabac)

Longest run of months completed: 41
Months skipped in total: 38
Attempts: 68
Completions: 66
Fails: 2 (July 2015, August 2016)
Hey, wouldja lookit that - it's May!

I used MWF when I needed to shave, so I guess I'm set for the month...

Soap of the Month: MWF
Completions: 24
Fails: 0
Consecutive successes: 24
Months skipped: 0
Soaps Finished: Mike's Lemongrass and Eucalyptus, Stirling Orange Chill, Haslinger Honig, B&M Cheshire, vintage Yardley
Success in April with Tabac

Trying something different for May. Was given Sharp Dressed Man shave cream, so be using that all month

Attempts: 70
Completions: 68
Fails: 2 (July 2015, August 2016)

Soaps Used: Tabac soap x20, T&H Sandalwood soap x5, GFT Spanish leather x2, GFT Eucris soap x8, GFT Violet soap x6, Proraso Green soap x5, Spieck cream x2, TOBS Avocado cream x 2, Truefitt & Hill rose cream x 3, Truefitt & Hill Grafton cream x3, Dr. Harris Marlborough soap, Midnight & Two's The Studyx3, Col. Conk Bay Rum, Queen Charlotte's Irish Tweed x2, Arko Soap x 3, Proraso Blue, Midnight & Two's The Study, Italian Barber Amici, Barrister & Mann Leviathan, Henri et Victoria Cuban Cigar, Great Canadian Shave Co. Lavender, Stirling Black Cumin & Orange, Arko Shave Cream.

Soaps finished during a month: 8 (Truefitt & Hill Rose, Henri et Victoria Cuban Cigar, Stirling Black Cumin, Fendrihan's Sandalwood & Lavender, Barrister & Mann Leviathan, Queen Charlotte's Green Irish Tweed,Truefitt & Hill Violet, and Tabac)

Longest run of months completed: 41
Months skipped in total: 38
Attempts: 68
Completions: 66
Fails: 2 (July 2015, August 2016)
Nice! I completed two months in this challenge and both were with Tabac.
Killed TGS Savage today. Good soap with excellent longevity. Onwards for the remainder of the month.

SoapHampshire Wool Fat / Unisex Wool Fat
Consecutive months14
Months skipped0
Soaps usedMike’s Natural Barbershop (5), Inferno (1), Pino Alpestre (1), Amber Fougere (1),
TGS/GFS ReNero (1), Haslinger Sandelholz (2), Royal Lime (2), Savage (1), Proraso Green (2),
Dutchy Bergamot (3), Alpha Men 2.0 Aventus (3), Lavanda (1), Tabarko (1), Leviathan (3)
Soaps finished
9 - Inferno, Pino Alpestre, Amber Fougere, Re Nero, Haslinger, Royal Lime, Kox Bergamot, The Alpha Men 2.0, B+M Leviathan, Savage
Success in May !
Intention for June: MDC Agrumes

Potential for 3017:

Attempts: 25
Completions: 24
Fails: 0
Consecutive Months: 5
onths Skipped: 2
oaps Used:
Art of ShavingBourbon
Barrister & MannNordost

Paganini's Violin

Reserve Fern
Dr. Jon’s
Sakura Musk (x2)
EvyapArko ! (x2)
FlorisNo. 89
Grooming DeptEdel (Donkey)

Lavender (Kairos SE)

La Rosa Profunda (Kairos)
Martin de CandreAgrumes

Mike's Natural SoapsLime

Orange, Cedarwood, Black Pepper
Saponificio Varesino70th *Beta 4.1
Sharp Dressed Man
TabacTabac with Tallow (x2)
Taylor of Old Bond St
St James
Truefitt & Hill


Last edited:
May was a great month. I particularly liked the Hampshire Wool Far. Great lather and a nice fresh scent. Excellent stuff.

SoapBoris Shaving Soap (BSS) #1
Consecutive months15
Months skipped0

  • Alpha Men 2.0 Aventus (3)
  • Dutchy Bergamot (3)
  • Hampshire Wool Fat (1)
  • Haslinger Sandelholz (2)
  • Lavanda (1)
  • Leviathan (3)
  • Mike’s Natural Barbershop (5)
  • Proraso Green (2)
  • Tabarko (1)
  • TGS Amber Fougere (1)
  • TGS Inferno (1)
  • TGS Pino Alpestre (1)
  • TGS ReNero (1)
  • TGS Royal Lime (2)
  • TGS Savage (1)
Soaps finished
  • Alpha Men 2.0 Aventus
  • Dutchy Bergamot
  • Haslinger Sandelholz
  • B+M Leviathan
  • TGS Amber Fougere
  • TGS Inferno
  • TGS Pino Alpestre
  • TGS ReNero
  • TGS Royal Lime
  • TGS Savage​

Great idea to use a spoiler to hide a growing list @ChriWilson.
And just like that, it's June...

My son has been using my MWF on the rare occasions when he shaves. I think I'm going to switch it up, just in case he asks to take the MWF with him when he goes back to school next month. 🤞

I'm not sure what I'll use, but I'm itching to crack into something new and it has to be in a tub that can travel, so it will probably be an A&E soap. I'll update when that's been decided.

Soap of the Month: TBD
Completions: 25
Fails: 0
Consecutive successes: 25
Months skipped: 0
Soaps Finished: Mike's Lemongrass and Eucalyptus, Stirling Orange Chill, Haslinger Honig, B&M Cheshire, vintage Yardley
Success in April with Godrej Cinthol Shave Cream.

In for June, and no I will not do the same stupid mistake as last year and will round a full year of success this time around.

Soap: Godrej Cinthol and this month it shall see its demise
Attempts: 21
Completions: 20
Fails: 1
Consecutive successes: 11
Months skipped: 0
Soaps Finished:

Proraso White Croap
Hendrix Classics & co Baddas Shave Soap and Canadian Mafia samples
I liked my May soap but a strong bay rum with clove was getting to be a much the last several days. Still I hung in there for a successful month.
For June it will be: Nordic Juniper

Soaps Used: Extro Cosmesi Stormo 17, Edwin Jagger Pomegranate and Limes, Lucky Tiger Liquid Shave Cream, Cremo Original, Crown Shaving Co, HC&C Gunslinger, Proraso Blue, Nordic Sadalwood, Extro Mandorla, Speick Active, Ogallala Bay Rum.
Months Completed: 11
Attempts: 12
Fails: 0
Skipped: 2
Success In May and the plan for June

I have a week or 2 left in this tub and will use it up before moving on.

Soap: Murphy and MacNeil Merrow of Clare
Attempts: 21
Completions: 20
Consecutive months: 21
Months skipped: 0
Soaps Used: Tabac (7), B&M Cheshire (1.25), B&M Bay Rum (1.75), B&M Petrichor, Lilacs in Bloom, 1.75 Rose Gold, B&M Oceana, Moon Trade Winds, Moon Old School, Bad Santa ( 1.25 ), Melange ( 1.5 ), Gada (.25), DR Harris Samples, Merrow of Clare (1)

Soaps Finished during the month: 8 ( B&M Cheshire, B&M Bay Rum, Lilacs in Bloom, Rose Gold, B&M Oceana, Tabac, Bad Santa, Melange), 5 Samples
Success in May, I'm in for June 2024
Soap: Cella
Consecutive months: 28
Months skipped:1
Soaps used: Tabac, Proraso Sandalwood, Cella, Mitchell's Wool Fat, Figaro, TfOBS various creams.
I'm not sure what I'll use, but I'm itching to crack into something new and it has to be in a tub that can travel, so it will probably be an A&E soap. I'll update when that's been decided.

The first shave of the month sets the precedent: we'll be going with...

Soap of the Month: B&M Seville
Completions: 25
Fails: 0
Consecutive successes: 25
Months skipped: 0
Soaps Finished: Mike's Lemongrass and Eucalyptus, Stirling Orange Chill, Haslinger Honig, B&M Cheshire, vintage Yardley
Well I am going to declare this month another double success even though I used 3 different soap.

Double success ? Yes sir. First I completed this month successfully, I also completed a full year without hiccup so success it is .

3 soap and a success ? Yes sir. Started and almost finished the month with the Godrej Cinthol, used the yearly exception on father's day with the Tabac Original ( tallow version ) and because I used up the Godrej Soap, I had 2 shave with Palmolive classic.

Success in June with Godrej Cinthol Shave Cream.

In for July, with Stirling Soap Margaritas in the Artic.

Soap: Stirling Soap Margaritas in the Artic. This soap should last the whole month without any issue even though the bottom peaked out last year.
Attempts: 22
Completions: 21
Fails: 1
Consecutive successes: 12
Months skipped: 0
Soaps Finished:

Proraso White Croap
Hendrix Classics & co Baddas Shave Soap and Canadian Mafia samples
Godrej Cinthol
I was successful in June and like @La Malice I switched up to some Tallow Tabac for the Father's day exception! 🙂

I am going to skip July this year because I did take delivery of some new soaps in June that I want to try out. I do not want a repeat of the Crann Bethadh. I am going to test out DR Harris Arlington, Speick, Moon Soaps Havana and some of my older purchases to see if they are worth using or pitching.

Soap: Skipping this month
Attempts: 21
Completions: 21
Consecutive months: 0
Longest streak: 21 months
Months skipped: July 2024
Soaps Used: Tabac (7), B&M Cheshire (1.25), B&M Bay Rum (1.75), B&M Petrichor, Lilacs in Bloom, 1.75 Rose Gold, B&M Oceana, Moon Trade Winds, Moon Old School, Bad Santa ( 1.25 ), Melange ( 1.5 ), Gada (.25), DR Harris Samples, Merrow of Clare (2)

Soaps Finished during the month: 9, B&M Cheshire, B&M Bay Rum, Lilacs in Bloom, Rose Gold, B&M Oceana, Tabac, Bad Santa, Melange, 5 Samples, Merrow of Clare
Success is June with a Father’s Day exception using Mudder Focker. I am in between of skipping July, but let’s go with Mike’s first and see where we go from there.

SoapMike’s Natural Soaps Barbershop
Consecutive months16
Months skipped0

Soaps used
  • Alpha Men 2.0 Aventus (3)
  • Boris Shave Soap #1 (1)
  • Dutchy Bergamot (3)
  • Hampshire Wool Fat (1)
  • Haslinger Sandelholz (2)
  • Lavanda (1)
  • Leviathan (3)
  • Mike’s Natural Barbershop (5)
  • Proraso Green (2)
  • Tabarko (1)
  • TGS Amber Fougere (1)
  • TGS Inferno (1)
  • TGS Pino Alpestre (1)
  • TGS ReNero (1)
  • TGS Royal Lime (2)
  • TGS Savage (1)
Soaps finished
  • Alpha Men 2.0 Aventus
  • Dutchy Bergamot
  • Haslinger Sandelholz
  • B+M Leviathan
  • TGS Amber Fougere
  • TGS Inferno
  • TGS Pino Alpestre
  • TGS ReNero
  • TGS Royal Lime
  • TGS Savage
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