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[SITE UPGRADE] Forum Upgrade to 3.5

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Howdy all,

This is just an fyi to let you know that while it might not seem immediately obvious, the vb forum software has gone through a major upgrade. We've upgraded from vBulletin v3.08 to vBulletin v3.50. We've also upgraded the gallery, which should result in no noticeable changes to you, the user, but was necessary to make it compatible with 3.5.

This upgrade most noticeably changes the behavior of thread editing/creation. It also really tightens up the code, adds a lot more functionality in the back-end, and makes the addition of third party plugins extremely easy (the new section in "What's Going On?" on the main forum page is just one example of a third party add on). Keep an eye out for new features and sections as they're coming. Also, if you come across what you think is a bug in the Gallery or forum software, please either send me a PM, or create a thread in the Site Feedback forum.

Thanks everyone,

Cliff, not the front page, but the forum's main page, at the bottom, there's now a list of who's visited in the past 24 hours.

Howdy Ron,

I noticed that it was missing too, so I did some investigating. It turns out, in this new version of vB, they moved the option to request a read receipt in the "Additional Options" box under the "Submit Message" button. If you look in that box, you should see a checkbox for "Request a read receipt for this message"

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