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Simpsons or Shavemac D01??

Hey Guys!

I am looking for your input on a new shave brush. I know I may get several different opinions, but I would still like to hear your thoughts. My budget is up to $150. I bowl lather with soaps so I would need a brush that works well with soaps with good backbone but is extremely soft due to my sensitive skin. I have been looking at the Shavemac D01 as well a a Simpson's two band such as the Ehsan or Emperor. Research leads me to believe a Savile Row brush would be a good choice, but I prefer the looks of a Simpsons or Shavemac brush. Would you recommend a Simpsons two band over a Shavemac? Some people are saying the Shavemac tends to be a lather hog and a little floppy. Sorry to be so long winded. Any input is greatly appreciated.
I love my Shavemac. Mine isn't very floppy at all, but from what I under these things tend to differ quite a bit from brush to brush. Nonetheless, my Shavemac is by far my favorite.
Something extremely soft? Both of those brushes will be dense and perhaps a little too scubby. I'd go for a Kent BK4 or a Vulfix.
I have tried quite a few Simpsons brushes, (2 and 3 band) and so far the only one that's given my Shavemac D01 a run for its money is my Two-band CH2. Outstanding brush, but it is a bit above your price range.
So I would have to recommend this brush:
Make sure you email Bernd and specify a shortened loft(44-48mm)! You can choose between bulb or fan shape, and a black or white handle.
I cannot speak to the Shavemac DO1... I've never had the pleasure...

But, I can say that the Simpsons Ehsan is an awesome brush for the money.
I agree with Hunter. Shavemac D01 has the softest tips of any brush I have used, but I would recommend a 50mm loft, since you mention sensitive skin. I cannot imagine a 45mm loft D01 being classed as "scrubby", but I'm pretty sure a 50mm loft won't bother you. My custom D01 (21mm/50mm) is not floppy at all. It's dense, but if you load it properly, it's not a lather hog.

You might want to look at one of the Rooney brushes also. I have a Rooney style 1 size 2 that is wonderful.

Thanks for the input. I think I'm going to go for the Ehsan. That is a good price which will leave me some money left over in the budget for some MWF. I have been wanting to try that out.
I have both Shavemac and Saville Row in silvertip. I love both but I find the Saville Row to have the softer tips.
Thanks for the input. I think I'm going to go for the Ehsan. That is a good price which will leave me some money left over in the budget for some MWF. I have been wanting to try that out.

Good choice, it is a fantastic brush. It really does beat my Rooney in Super at everything. So well that I gifted the Rooney to my fiance.
I havea PJ2 in two banded and it is the cat's pajamas :) I don't have much else to compare it to, but it does wonderfully with soap and creams.
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