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Should I restore a cracked butterscotch?

I bought this butterscotch Drake today at the antique mall and when I started to clean it up, spiral cracks appeared around the bottom section of the handle:angry:. The bottom surface is still white and inside the little cracks it's white too. Now when I try to apply pressure to see if it will fall apart on me, the cracks don't spread apart or get worse and the handle seems to be completely solid and very heavy. So, what's the verdict folks, put it on a shelf for display or go ahead and put a knew knot in it?
definately give it a go. You could cover the whole handle in clearcoat which would re-enforce it a bit
I would go ahead and put a new knot it, should only run you $20 - $30. I agree with Mdunn... but not sure on the type on clear coat.
Well, drill out the knot and have a look at the handle. If it's hollow inside, you can pour epoxy and fill it up, NOTHING is going to damage that baby once filled with epoxy. If it's not hollow, it's still repairable with epoxy...I wouldn't try to tint the epoxy since it'll be hard to match the butterscotch...personally I'd repair it with clear epoxy making sure I take my time so as not to cause spills or run-offs and then re-knot with either the Finest or the Silvertip Grade A.
I've repaired a few of these - the best way to do it (I find) is to squeeze transparent resin into the crack. It won't hide the white beneath but you can sand the resin once hard to give a premanent repair.

Best Wishes


what kind of clear coat would be safe on this type of plastic?
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