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Should I exchange this strop?

Should I exchange this strop because of this defect?


Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Nah. Just pull it through to the back side. I never use a fabric component, myself. It doesn't do anything that leather alone can't do. The strops I make are just the leather. The strops i buy, I toss the secondary if there is one, except for a shell strop, and then I use the linen just as support for the shell.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Horse shell cordovan. The shell piece is a special part of the horse's hide located under the skin in the flank/rump area that has a very unique grain and texture. If you see a pair of men's shoes priced at over about $800 or so, they will be Cordovan leather, most likely. Cordovan is only made from horse shell. It makes strops with a very special feel to them. They are usually regarded as something of a luxury and they are among the most expensive strops, typically. Horse shell cordovan is not cheap.
My strap has the same defect and I've been using it successfully for a long time, so I don't think it needs replacing.
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