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Shaving used to be.

I didn't see it coming that all would die from infection. I assumed before reading that it would be men that cut their jugulars.

Yeah, not that shaving per se was more dangerous, it was the conditions, practices, and the knowledge and available treatments, compared to now. You could die from a splinter.
I didn't see it coming that all would die from infection. I assumed before reading that it would be men that cut their jugulars.

The whole original purpose of aftershave was for an antiseptic to help reduce the chance of infections from nicks/cuts that have with the territory of having a close shave.
Aqua velva was originally intended to be used as a mouthwash, and listerine used to be used as an aftershave. I read that somewhere... Listerine..That’s right. The stuff you use to make your mouth feel all fresh and clean can also be applied to your shaving nicks. After all, it did actually start out as a surgical antiseptic and was used to clean wounds on the battlefields of WWI.
Given how careless we are with the overuse of antibiotics (e.g. for cattle), creating resistance against them in deadly bacteria, the time may come again that shaving becomes serious business!
Considering the large number of folks who die in bed (far higher number than shaving casualties) a Barbisol wash for your sheets might be a good idea just before you tuck yourself in.
I never heard of anthrax coming from a badger brush. Its what almost completely killed horse hair as a source of brushes. Reading these stories are interesting because they also remind us why all those Simpson's stickers exist.
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