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Shavetools.com Movember 2013 Contest

In Honor of Movember, Shavetools.com is running a contest this month.

To enter the contest just post saying that you want to join the contest. If you're growing a "mo" this month, It'd be great (though not required) to post a before pic, as well as an after pic at the end of the month with your "mo." The winners will be chosen randomly on November 15th, so you should have a week or two to enjoy your prize before Movember ends. (also, if the first prize winner prefers, I can, of course substitute vegan products like those of the second prize)

First Prize is a tin of Petal Pusher Fancies Original Moustache Wax and a Cyril Salter Horn Mosutache Comb.
Second Prize is a tin off Petal Pusher Fancies Vegan Moustache Wax and a Black Colonel Conk Moustache Comb

First Prize

Second Prize

$20131102_111453.jpg I have no idea why this pic is posting sideways but I'm in. It is midday on the 2nd of Movember so I have a bit of a headstart
Wednesday, a big bushy walrus stache, Thursday, a neat trim pencil thin stache and today, the First of Movember's naked lip. What will it be 15 days from now?
$Movember Day 1.jpg
I'm in, I've already got the mo of movember going on (this picture is a few weeks old.) But now I'm also going for the no-shave aspect too!

I've been eying up Petal Pusher Fancies products for awhile now, what better way to try them than free?!
The contest is complete! First Prize goes to milkmanv1 and second prize goes to justadivebum. Thanks to every one who participated.
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