What's new

Seeking YOUR input!


We are rapidly approaching the time when Stone Cottage Soapworks retail store will reopen in the next couple of months but the exciting news is that we have a new website that will debut before the opening and we will begin to widen our product offerings.

Plans at the moment include:

New versions of our Liquid soap and Lip balm

Shampoo bars
Conditioner bars

Body Wash
Bubble Bath
Bath Bombs

Shaving Soap

I also plan to do an "old fashioned" Vanishing cream which is perfect for freshly shaved skin, great to moisturize your whole face and especially good for those with oily skin (like myself).

I am seeking input from you as to what other kinds of products you would like to have us make for you! So please give us your suggestions and I will see what I can do! Otherwise, you can follow our progress on Facebook:

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