Last week I notices an "odd" happening. At least it seems odd to me. First off, I do not have the well of experience and knowledge that some others have to draw from. Second, I am slow to make make the well to deep to fast. a.k.a. Cheap and don't want to waste money on things I will not enjoy, even if it is only $2 on a pack of blades. Part of this is because I live in the sticks and the only means I have for trying new blades/soaps/anything is to order it online and wait. But as I shaved with a particular blade, I noticed that the first shave leaves me with a little bit of burn, but as the shaves continue, the blade becomes more giving. At first I thought it might be due to poor technique (which it may be), but each time I changed the blade, the first shave with the new blade leaves me with more burn than an older blade. Is this common? Do I mark it as needing to improve my technique? Bit of both? Just curious about your thoughts? If you have had such an experience, what blades gave you this result. I have 3 'different' razors and I have similar results with all three, just in case it matters.