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Seaforth AS

I picked up this ceramic AS bottle at an antique store yesterday.

Any idea what time period it was made? I have a glass one from the 1960's, but have never seen the ceramic Seaforth.

$Arcade 2013 177.jpg$Arcade 2013 176.jpg
If memory serves me right, I believe Seaforth is from the 60's. !!! Ebay has some Vintage Seaforth offerings.
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While it doesn't have a date, I have a pricing sheet that has each Seaforth! item in a container listed for $1.00. Soap was $0.35 each.

I see a few 1956 ads showing what looks like a glass bottle, like this one in LIFE: http://books.google.com/books?id=xkEEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA74.

Yours could be pre-1956, or it could be a special edition of some kind. According to http://www.trademarkia.com/seaforth-73277821.html the brand dates back to 1939.

[EDIT] This could be it, from LIFE in 1946: http://books.google.com/books?id=WUkEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA48. The pattern looks about right, and McKelvy appears in the ad. So maybe it was ceramic from 1939 until sometime 1946-56, then glass?
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Picked this one up at a local antique store a few weeks back. At the time I did a quick search and thought it was from the '40s. The markings are a bit different than the OP's.

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